Saturday, June 11, 2011


The Punks of Persia love a good distraction--even if it comes in the form of a narcissistic congressman and his ubiquitous woody. It seems that while every newspaper and political pundit are hyper-fixated on Anthony Weiner's "weapon"--Iran is getting ever closer to developing the ultimate weapon: a nuclear bomb.

According to a just released study conducted by the Rand Corp.--Iran will have 9o% of the enriched uranium it needs to produce a nuclear weapon by summer's end.

Although I agree that Anthony Weiner should resign--this highly disquieting and undeniably ominous news concerning Tehran's lethal ambitions should supersede the sorry tale of "A Boy And His Boner."


  1. And let's not take our eye off the ball right here in the Western Hemisphere, where the crackpot dictator of Venezuela has enlisted the Iranians to help him build medium range missile sites. Equipped with a nuclear payload, these sites pose a direct threat to the U.S. Think the Cuban missile crises was dicey? Just wait, folks!!!

  2. Of course it should. Unfortunately, Americans love the wild, the wet and the WOODsy and this abandonment from reality is where they feed their soul; The soul which will be fried to smithereens when Iran, left unchecked, checks out Israel and we engage in a repeat of history.

    Years ago, I found myself thinking, "I wonder what the President goes to bed thinking about? Probably all the things which we all can't handle knowing about. That must be one reason why they always leave office so much older looking." In today's age, where information abounds, some of us, are being aged by this information. However, the majority choose to disappear from danger and instead vote on American Idol.

    It is a sad state of affairs.
    Weiner is one (you are what you eat or in this case what you do). He has placed his vote in danger of being affected by actions worthy of blackmail. That affects us all. However, it has turned into a rehab circus and therefore should be filed in the circular can where all Tiger Woods rehab eventually makes its home.

    There are more serious issues to manage.
    Karen Bisso
