Monday, March 8, 2010


The American intelligentsia (along with a phalanx of spineless generals) declares that allowing gays to serve openly in the military will enhance our ability to defeat the enemy. Yet when pressed to offer even one shred of empirical evidence to bolster such a claim--they fall cravenly silent.

Truth be told: there is absolutely no evidence to support such a feckless and irrational assertion. In fact history explicitly demonstrates that--while gays were strictly prohibited from enlisting during WW II--US Forces were able to soundly defeat two of the most prolific (not to mention savage and nefarious) military enemies our great nation has ever confronted. (Why the prohibition? Because during that noble time period--homosexuality was considered incompatible with military service.)

Enhance our ability: Where's the proof?

1 comment:

  1. Love your balls. You're always right, darlin' --- WARCHICK
