Wednesday, March 17, 2010


The Obama Administration's blistering condemnations against Israel are an ominous indication that it simply fails to properly interpret reality. And the reality (in this case) is flagrant: the sworn enemies of the Jewish State are also the sworn enemies of America.

Iran (along with its baneful proxies Hezbollah and Hamas) has not only murdered thousands of innocent Americans--but also threatens to extirpate millions more in an Islamo-nuclear Armageddon. And the Palestinians, who also have a ravenous appetite for American blood--have stridently called for the total extermination of the West.

Obama, instead of standing with our staunch ally (Israel) against our common enemies--has decided to take a 1930's Euro-appeasement style approach. This servile strategy (which requires one's lips to be firmly planted on an autocrat's a**) resulted in over 60 million casualties during WW II.

A very high price to pay for cowardice.

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