Thursday, September 24, 2009

The following blog was written by Audrey Russo. Audrey's poignant and substantive work on the Middle East can be read at she is the Managing Editor.

Proof That Peanuts Are Not Brain Food

We are all familiar with the worst president of our time (so far)...Jimmy 'Dhimmi' Carter. His jugular pumps a shade of anti-Semitism most thought more endemic to Arabs. But Carter's case of anti-Jewitis is not isolated...

Jimmy's former national security adviser, Zbigniew Brzezinski (Zbig), says that the pro-Israel lobby in the US is too powerful and uses the media to shut down criticism and influence the government.

But there's more...he has also claimed that Hamas attacks on Sderot were not lethal, just annoying.

Annoying? Tell that to the families of the 15 people who have been killed by Qassam rockets lobbed upon innocent Israelis since attacks began in 2001...

(Hmm...just wondering if Zbig is sucking on Georgia goobers like his former boss...)

And here's a big 'surprise'...Obama has made Zbig an advisor and has praised him as "someone I have learned an immense amount from", and "one of our most outstanding scholars and thinkers."

Well, now that further clarifies the origin of O's anti-Semitic mind-set, a long history of O allying himself with anti-Israel buddies (i.e. Rev. Wright, Father Pfleger, Louis Farrakhan, etc.).

Are peanuts the new 'jelly belly' in O's office?

For the record...I do not hate peanuts OR peanut farmers...just the roasted Goober whose heart is so filled with disgust for the Jewish nation that he can't help spreading the hate around...through his books, his rhetorical spewage, his former cabinet members...and his terrorist support.

Proof positive that a constant diet of gobbling goobers will only kill your gray matter...

Shalom through strength...

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