Monday, September 21, 2009

ACORN: Still Sucking The Lifeblood Out Of The Taxpayers

The following blog was written by Audrey Russo. Audrey's poignant and substantive work on the Middle East can be read at she is the Managing Editor.

ACORN: Still Sucking The Lifeblood Out Of The Taxpayers

So, you think the Congress took ACORN's grimy digits out of your wallet? Think again...

The big announcement from Congress that they were voting to defund ACORN has a long journey before it is written in stone. Those votes were on amendments to different bills...and they're not seeing a presidential pen for some time...if ever.

In the meanwhile...ACORN is still eligible for beaucoup bucks...OUR bucks...BILLIONS of our bucks!

And, U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-MN, says, "don't think that the Democrats won't try to strip the ACORN language from whatever bill finally makes it to the White House."

She's spot on...ACORN was responsible, in part, for the democrat landslide this past election. The massive voter fraud, which they are still being indicted for in numerous states...contributed to the outcome. So...the Dems owe a wee bit to this cadre of they will, in all probability, create a wag-the-dog...and quietly rip the language out of the bills, like a pickpocket in a crowd of tourists in Times Square...

So, are citizens powerless? Far from it...there is way Americans can stop any further funding from going to ACORN immediately...and it will take unrelenting pressure upon Barack Obama...

It's called the Suspension and Debarment Program. Bachman explains, "The government debarment and suspension procedures are intended to prevent poor performance, waste, fraud and abuse in federal procurement and nonprocurement actions. Debarment or suspension of an organization, business or individual from doing business with the federal government is not meant to be a punishment, but a procedure to ensure that federally funded business is conducted legally with responsible persons."

(Wow...that could be applied to almost every subvention program the government runs...imagine the savings...!!!)

Halloween is just one month why not be a haunt?! That's right...haunt the President and insist that he implement this program with his former they can go back into their caves...and stop sucking the lifeblood out of the taxpayers...

If O does indeed implement this program...I, for one, will be grateful and say 'fangs a lot'! (Sorry, I couldn't resist.)

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