Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Forcing Israel To Beat A Dead Horse, Then Blaming Them For Its Death

The following blog was written by Audrey Russo. Audrey's poignant and substantive work on the Middle East can be read at she is the Managing Editor.

Peace...that ever elusive intangible that is unachievable in a world filled with bomb-donning jihadists and megalomaniacal martinets.

Unachievable, yes...but some continue to be asked to produce it...

For the umpteenth time now, the US (with a gun to Israel's temple) has pressured Israel to agree to indirect talks with the PA ('Palestinian' Authority). PM Binyamin 'Bibi' Netanyahu has stated that he hopes it will lead to direct talks resuming.

Does Bibi really believe this will occur and will lead to a peaceful resolution? Recognizing how perspicacious the PM is, I'm sure he already knows the results: More of the same. Continued and increased hatred toward Israel and Jews globally; the unrelenting paltering about the Jewish State; and the interminable violence by the true occupiers (the 'palestinians') toward the true property owners (the Jewish people).

How can I be sure this is how Bibi really feels?

The Vice Premier and Minister for Strategic Affairs Moshe Yaalon, made it unequivocal at a Tel Aviv University conference, when he stated that "(such talks) can address the framework for peace talks, but none of the actual issues, especially when the Palestinian leadership continues to negate the Jewish people's connection to the Land of Israel, while simultaneously cultivating hatred and opposition to Israel's existence and trying to discredit us in the global arena."

And these words are analogous to Bibi's in January of this year (, and on many other occasions, though rarely covered by the Western media.

The bottom-line, yet again: If Israel does NOT have the right to exist, it has the right to bupkis (nothing).

And that's just how the PA (and the rest of the Arab world) sees it. Yet, the PA has never kept one promise from peace talks, nor ever ceased violence towards innocent Israeli citizens, nor EVER agreed to Israel's right to exist (nor will they ever).

Oy...Genug iz genug (enough is enough)!!!

You want to know where Jewish guilt comes from? This kind of meshugass (insanity). Force Israel to beat this dead horse of peace talks with the so-called palestinians, and when those talks fail (due to the disinterest of the PA)...then blame Israel for its death.

Genug iz genug, indeed...

Shalom through strength...

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