Wednesday, March 31, 2010
For those that are of the belief that taxing only the wealthy will pay for ObamaCare: Get a grip. This piece of socialistic legislation is so onerously expensive (and far reaching) that the only way to fund it will be to raise taxes on all working Americans, irrespective of their postion on socioeconomic ladder. And the only way to accomplish this is by implementing a Value Added Tax (VAT) which taxes every facet of US manufacturing and production. Thus, making every item from Yodels to yatchs more expensive. ---From the Free Market Desk at OIB
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
OIB finds it vexing that the champions of diversity and tolerance have yet to explain (in any compelling fashion) how allowing *gays to serve openly in the US Armed Forces will "bolster" our nation's military readiness.
This (of course) is nothing new. Why? Because these 'enlightened' exponents believe it is entirely beneath them to have to explain any of their positions to what they deem a highly puritanical, obtuse and unenlightened citizenry.
*Men who enjoy sodomizing other men.
This (of course) is nothing new. Why? Because these 'enlightened' exponents believe it is entirely beneath them to have to explain any of their positions to what they deem a highly puritanical, obtuse and unenlightened citizenry.
*Men who enjoy sodomizing other men.
Monday, March 29, 2010
President Obama's egregious and condescending attitude toward Israel is typically endemic of any individual who listened (and learned) from a hyper anti-Semitic reverend who publicly sang the praises of Hamas. Sadly, the Jewish State can no longer count on America to support it as it battles (ironically) the same Islamo-cretins that seek to annihilate the "Great Satan."
Friday, March 26, 2010
"Clearly--one of the most ominous (if not sickening) aspects of ObamaCare is that it mandates the hiring of 16, 500 new IRS agents to enforce the Marxist fiats in the bill. This, alone--is more than enough to cause even the most unflappable among us to soil their shorts."---From the Domestic Policy Desk at OIB
Thursday, March 25, 2010
For once gaffe-machine Joe Biden was correct: ObamaCare is a "big f***ing deal." This certainly holds true--particularly to the majority of freedom loving Americans who vigorously and steadfastly opposed it due to its Euro-socialistic impositions. And, come this November (at the polls)--the veep shouldn't be surprised when these same courageous, patriotic and magnanimous citizens decide that it's also a "big f***ing deal" to vote his party out of existence.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Let it be known that on March 21, 2010 socialism was foisted on the American people by a San Francisco liberal (with a diminutive mind and botox induced features) and a Chicago-style political hood with a disquieting affection for third world dictators and Che Guevara tee shirts.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
"The Administration's incessant whining over the Israeli government's decision to build 1,600 new homes in Jerusalem is absurd on its face when one considers that every other day the Palestinian Authority (considered a Mideast peace partner by President Obama) is naming streets, parks schools and office buildings after homicide-bombers."
----From the Foreign Policy Desk at OIB
----From the Foreign Policy Desk at OIB
Monday, March 22, 2010
The highly corrosive consequences of socialism can be witnessed by simply observing the emotional, spiritual, physical and also financial decline of Europe. But now, sadly enough (with yesterday's vote in the House)--this corrosiveness will soon be palpable in America.
*ObamaCare: America on the downside.
(*Reminder: ObamaCare also nationalizes the student loan industry.)
*ObamaCare: America on the downside.
(*Reminder: ObamaCare also nationalizes the student loan industry.)
Friday, March 19, 2010
The following blog was written by Audrey Russo. Audrey's poignant and substantive work on the Middle East can be read at she is the Managing Editor.
Unindicted coconspirators, like CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations), are engaging in Lawfare.
Not familiar with the term...well...this is the new battlefield...
According to The Lawfare Project, a not-for-profit organization dedicated to raising awareness about the abuse of the law and legal systems, Lawfare signifies the abuse of the law and legal systems for strategic or military ends. Groups like CAIR use our laws against us, as a weapon of war in order to:
1) Frustrate free speech on issues of national security.
2) To render illegitimate the sovereignty of democratic nations.
3) Frustrate the ability of democracies to defend themselves against terrorism.
This war is being engaged 24/7, 365...right beneath our radar under the guise of Islamophobia. And as of present...they have been very successful!
Many sage individuals have been privy to these fiend's tactics. Now it's time for the rest of the lovers of liberty to engage in not only a defensive action but a preemptive war for the sake of our precious right of free speech, paid for by the precious blood of patriots.
More arrows for your quiver coming soon...
Shalom through strength...
Unindicted coconspirators, like CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations), are engaging in Lawfare.
Not familiar with the term...well...this is the new battlefield...
According to The Lawfare Project, a not-for-profit organization dedicated to raising awareness about the abuse of the law and legal systems, Lawfare signifies the abuse of the law and legal systems for strategic or military ends. Groups like CAIR use our laws against us, as a weapon of war in order to:
1) Frustrate free speech on issues of national security.
2) To render illegitimate the sovereignty of democratic nations.
3) Frustrate the ability of democracies to defend themselves against terrorism.
This war is being engaged 24/7, 365...right beneath our radar under the guise of Islamophobia. And as of present...they have been very successful!
Many sage individuals have been privy to these fiend's tactics. Now it's time for the rest of the lovers of liberty to engage in not only a defensive action but a preemptive war for the sake of our precious right of free speech, paid for by the precious blood of patriots.
More arrows for your quiver coming soon...
Shalom through strength...
Thursday, March 18, 2010
"Barack Obama's recent diplomatic overtures to Syria begs the question: Why is our commander-in-chief extending an olive branch to a thuggish regime that not only trains, but also arms insurgents who continue to kill our troops in Iraq?
Could this (yet again) be another insidious manifestation of a president who has a deep and penetrating antipathy for our military?"---From the Foreign Policy Desk at OIB
Could this (yet again) be another insidious manifestation of a president who has a deep and penetrating antipathy for our military?"---From the Foreign Policy Desk at OIB
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
The Obama Administration's blistering condemnations against Israel are an ominous indication that it simply fails to properly interpret reality. And the reality (in this case) is flagrant: the sworn enemies of the Jewish State are also the sworn enemies of America.
Iran (along with its baneful proxies Hezbollah and Hamas) has not only murdered thousands of innocent Americans--but also threatens to extirpate millions more in an Islamo-nuclear Armageddon. And the Palestinians, who also have a ravenous appetite for American blood--have stridently called for the total extermination of the West.
Obama, instead of standing with our staunch ally (Israel) against our common enemies--has decided to take a 1930's Euro-appeasement style approach. This servile strategy (which requires one's lips to be firmly planted on an autocrat's a**) resulted in over 60 million casualties during WW II.
A very high price to pay for cowardice.
Iran (along with its baneful proxies Hezbollah and Hamas) has not only murdered thousands of innocent Americans--but also threatens to extirpate millions more in an Islamo-nuclear Armageddon. And the Palestinians, who also have a ravenous appetite for American blood--have stridently called for the total extermination of the West.
Obama, instead of standing with our staunch ally (Israel) against our common enemies--has decided to take a 1930's Euro-appeasement style approach. This servile strategy (which requires one's lips to be firmly planted on an autocrat's a**) resulted in over 60 million casualties during WW II.
A very high price to pay for cowardice.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Glenn Beck's blistering excoriation of free speech champion Geert Wilders (comparing him to a fascist) is endemic of a feckless, windbag-of-a-pundit who simply lacks the ba*** to confront the ever growing problem of Sharia in Western Culture.
Monday, March 15, 2010
"The London Telegraph reports that the Obama Administration is spending millions of US tax dollars to rehabilitate terrorists in Yemen. This, of course--is deemed a highly laudable goal by Ivory Tower intellects, San Francisco liberals and the rest of the left-wing America is Evil mob who zealously (not to mention psychotically) cling to the tortured theory that G. W. Bush overreacted to 9/11."--- From the NSD at OIB
Friday, March 12, 2010
If America continues to deny its Judeo-Christian Heritage, trumpet multi-culturalism, embrace political correctness, ignore the dangers of Islam, prosecute its military heroes, exchange free markets for statism and elect self-absorbed, narcissistic, hyper-arrogant leaders who are agonizingly long on rhetoric, but chillingly short on substance--it will find itself buried under the dung hill of history.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
The glaring decay of Western Civilization abounds. From Sharia courts in Great Britain to putting KSM on trail in New York City to the prosecution of three hero US Navy Seals--this once great Judeo-Christian enlightenment finds itself in a state of perpetual genuflection to the religion of perfidy and torture.
Make no mistake: The above mentioned actions are the direct manifestations of a once advanced culture which (due to political correctness)--has decided its values are no better than the values of the thuggish, barbaric and misogynistic Islamic cultures that litter the third world.
Make no mistake: The above mentioned actions are the direct manifestations of a once advanced culture which (due to political correctness)--has decided its values are no better than the values of the thuggish, barbaric and misogynistic Islamic cultures that litter the third world.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Forcing Israel To Beat A Dead Horse, Then Blaming Them For Its Death
The following blog was written by Audrey Russo. Audrey's poignant and substantive work on the Middle East can be read at she is the Managing Editor.
Peace...that ever elusive intangible that is unachievable in a world filled with bomb-donning jihadists and megalomaniacal martinets.
Unachievable, yes...but some continue to be asked to produce it...
For the umpteenth time now, the US (with a gun to Israel's temple) has pressured Israel to agree to indirect talks with the PA ('Palestinian' Authority). PM Binyamin 'Bibi' Netanyahu has stated that he hopes it will lead to direct talks resuming.
Does Bibi really believe this will occur and will lead to a peaceful resolution? Recognizing how perspicacious the PM is, I'm sure he already knows the results: More of the same. Continued and increased hatred toward Israel and Jews globally; the unrelenting paltering about the Jewish State; and the interminable violence by the true occupiers (the 'palestinians') toward the true property owners (the Jewish people).
How can I be sure this is how Bibi really feels?
The Vice Premier and Minister for Strategic Affairs Moshe Yaalon, made it unequivocal at a Tel Aviv University conference, when he stated that "(such talks) can address the framework for peace talks, but none of the actual issues, especially when the Palestinian leadership continues to negate the Jewish people's connection to the Land of Israel, while simultaneously cultivating hatred and opposition to Israel's existence and trying to discredit us in the global arena."
And these words are analogous to Bibi's in January of this year (, and on many other occasions, though rarely covered by the Western media.
The bottom-line, yet again: If Israel does NOT have the right to exist, it has the right to bupkis (nothing).
And that's just how the PA (and the rest of the Arab world) sees it. Yet, the PA has never kept one promise from peace talks, nor ever ceased violence towards innocent Israeli citizens, nor EVER agreed to Israel's right to exist (nor will they ever).
Oy...Genug iz genug (enough is enough)!!!
You want to know where Jewish guilt comes from? This kind of meshugass (insanity). Force Israel to beat this dead horse of peace talks with the so-called palestinians, and when those talks fail (due to the disinterest of the PA)...then blame Israel for its death.
Genug iz genug, indeed...
Shalom through strength...
Peace...that ever elusive intangible that is unachievable in a world filled with bomb-donning jihadists and megalomaniacal martinets.
Unachievable, yes...but some continue to be asked to produce it...
For the umpteenth time now, the US (with a gun to Israel's temple) has pressured Israel to agree to indirect talks with the PA ('Palestinian' Authority). PM Binyamin 'Bibi' Netanyahu has stated that he hopes it will lead to direct talks resuming.
Does Bibi really believe this will occur and will lead to a peaceful resolution? Recognizing how perspicacious the PM is, I'm sure he already knows the results: More of the same. Continued and increased hatred toward Israel and Jews globally; the unrelenting paltering about the Jewish State; and the interminable violence by the true occupiers (the 'palestinians') toward the true property owners (the Jewish people).
How can I be sure this is how Bibi really feels?
The Vice Premier and Minister for Strategic Affairs Moshe Yaalon, made it unequivocal at a Tel Aviv University conference, when he stated that "(such talks) can address the framework for peace talks, but none of the actual issues, especially when the Palestinian leadership continues to negate the Jewish people's connection to the Land of Israel, while simultaneously cultivating hatred and opposition to Israel's existence and trying to discredit us in the global arena."
And these words are analogous to Bibi's in January of this year (, and on many other occasions, though rarely covered by the Western media.
The bottom-line, yet again: If Israel does NOT have the right to exist, it has the right to bupkis (nothing).
And that's just how the PA (and the rest of the Arab world) sees it. Yet, the PA has never kept one promise from peace talks, nor ever ceased violence towards innocent Israeli citizens, nor EVER agreed to Israel's right to exist (nor will they ever).
Oy...Genug iz genug (enough is enough)!!!
You want to know where Jewish guilt comes from? This kind of meshugass (insanity). Force Israel to beat this dead horse of peace talks with the so-called palestinians, and when those talks fail (due to the disinterest of the PA)...then blame Israel for its death.
Genug iz genug, indeed...
Shalom through strength...
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
"Issuing Korans to Gitmo detainees would have been tantamount to issuing Mein Kampf to German POW's. Such is the overpowering madness of Political Correctness."---OIB
Monday, March 8, 2010
The American intelligentsia (along with a phalanx of spineless generals) declares that allowing gays to serve openly in the military will enhance our ability to defeat the enemy. Yet when pressed to offer even one shred of empirical evidence to bolster such a claim--they fall cravenly silent.
Truth be told: there is absolutely no evidence to support such a feckless and irrational assertion. In fact history explicitly demonstrates that--while gays were strictly prohibited from enlisting during WW II--US Forces were able to soundly defeat two of the most prolific (not to mention savage and nefarious) military enemies our great nation has ever confronted. (Why the prohibition? Because during that noble time period--homosexuality was considered incompatible with military service.)
Enhance our ability: Where's the proof?
Truth be told: there is absolutely no evidence to support such a feckless and irrational assertion. In fact history explicitly demonstrates that--while gays were strictly prohibited from enlisting during WW II--US Forces were able to soundly defeat two of the most prolific (not to mention savage and nefarious) military enemies our great nation has ever confronted. (Why the prohibition? Because during that noble time period--homosexuality was considered incompatible with military service.)
Enhance our ability: Where's the proof?
Friday, March 5, 2010
Memo to the masses: Our government isn't broken--it has just been co-opted by a rhetorical ego-monster (and his Marxist mob of misfits) who deems it a moral imperative to apologize to our enemies, affront our allies, effeminize our military and eviscerate our free market economy by nationalizing over one sixth of it. (Which will help raise the national deficit to a staggering 87% of our GDP in just ten years.)
Under this suffocating and onerous administration (the only thing broken)--are the backs of the suffering taxpayers.
Under this suffocating and onerous administration (the only thing broken)--are the backs of the suffering taxpayers.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
"Given the irrefutable fact that Islam is not only a religion, but also a political system that is violently antithetical to Western Civilization--I have just issued Executive Order 777 which directly prohibits the entry of any and all individuals (who reside in Islamic countries) from entering the United States."---President A. Pair
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
"Those that cling to the spurious notion (that on 9/11 Islam was hijacked) are clearly oblivious to the raw, historical facts concerning this most archaic and virulent religion. On that infamous day, Islam was not (in fact) hijacked--but followed to the nth degree."
---Prof. C'mon Sense
---Prof. C'mon Sense
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
"The so-called health care crisis was a narrative created by Hilliary (and the Dems) back in the 90's for the solitary purpose of scoring huge political points with those on the lower rungs of the socioeconomic ladder. And the very moment she accused Republicans of being mean-spirited for opposing her solution (HilliaryCare) --the GOPers (instead of refuting the highly spurious narrative with the facts) simply retreated to the dark, dank caves of cowardice...And that is exactly why, over fifteen years later--we are still debating this manufactured emergency ."---From the Domestic Policy Desk at OIB
Monday, March 1, 2010
One of the most bewildering (not to mention disturbing) aspects of the ObamaCare debate has been the oft repeated mantra that all Americans have the right to quality and affordable health care. Sadly, when those chanting this formula are questioned as to where this right derives from--they quickly spout the typical response--The Constitution.
Truth is, The Constitution makes absolutely no provision for nationalized health care. In fact--it makes no provisions whatsoever for any of the socialistic programs (affordable housing, welfare, etc.) that have not only been a profound bane to taxpayers--but also to the free market system.
Remember: The Constitution states promote the general Welfare--not provide it.
Truth is, The Constitution makes absolutely no provision for nationalized health care. In fact--it makes no provisions whatsoever for any of the socialistic programs (affordable housing, welfare, etc.) that have not only been a profound bane to taxpayers--but also to the free market system.
Remember: The Constitution states promote the general Welfare--not provide it.
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