Monday, December 20, 2010


Those who zealously espouse allowing gays to serve (period) in the military have been seriously impaired by Political Correctness. These mentally diminished individuals lack the capacity to realize that Sgt. Tinkerbell is not an asset--but rather a truculent liability.

Why? Because not only is homosexual sodomy a medically dangerous practice (rectal hemorrhages, colon cancer, prostate perforation, STD's, etc.)--but empirical data also tells us that over 90% of pedophiles hail from the gay community.

These two highly poignant (not to mention hyper-revolting) realities will result in one thing: The erosion of military readiness.

And once that is allowed to happen--our national security will be struck dead from behind.

1 comment:

  1. Our nation is 'brainwashed' from the time of birth. Television and their gay sitcoms, public school teachers preaching political correctness and cowardous, and even some so called churches doing the same thing. Our nations children are not taught to think for themselves. Just jump on the popular bandwagon and ride,ride,ride.
