Monday, October 25, 2010


There is no denying the fact that liberals are a bane to society. They have not only labored assiduously to erode our nation's moral fabric by supporting welfare, socialism, high taxes, same-sex marriage, etc.--but now they are aiding and abetting the very enemy that seeks our bloody demise--Islamo-terrorists.

Libs are notorious for demonizing any individual who dares wax forthright about Islam (just ask Juan Williams). Even if one has the temerity to expose the (hard) historical record of the prophet Muhammad's violent/misogynist/anti-Semitic pathologies--those on the left will go to the hyper-extreme--to not only cloud these facts--but to also cast the individual as a bigoted, right-wing Islomaphobe.

By doing the devil's work--liberals are making it much easier for the enemy to slit our throats.But what they fail to understand is: Their throats will be the first to bleed.

1 comment:

  1. 100% -I am in agreement. If RIGHT minded people do not join together and STOP Islamification of OUR COUNTRY... by demanding a HALT to Immigration (we have no jobs or money-is that not excuse enough)Muslims WILL BE MAJORITY in 30/40 yrs. And NO where have Muslims grown Jihaded to Majority where the Quranic dictates have not been impliment. So basicall after the :libs; usher aid promote this happening they WILL BE the FIRST TO GO and then Socialism ans Islam will duke it OUT----Look at the UK--that is where we will be in 5+ years----Vett your CANDIDATES DEMAND THEY PLATFORM A HALT O IMMIGRATION (Obama Increase to buy votes 500K each year! 2m more for him 2012) and HALT AID to ISLAMIC NATIONS (1 trillion in 2 yrs!!)
    Ok I have a headach now--I was hoping this was about the left actually being stopped NOW--they are ISLAM DEFENSE and AID!
