Friday, July 2, 2010

A 2-State From The Love-2-Hate Crowd

The following blog was written by Audrey Russo. Audrey's poignant and substantive work on the Middle East can be read at she is the Managing Editor.

In his continued genuflection journey, and with a follow-up smooch and curtsey for the Saudi King Abdullah, Obama stated "the importance of moving forward in a swift and bold way in securing a Palestinian homeland that can live side by side with a secure and prosperous Israeli state."

From one anti-Semite to another...about another...

Would have loved to be a fly on the wall in THAT meeting...but I would have gotten lost in the know honey is not the ONLY thing that attracts flies...

Abdullah stated, following the meeting: "I would like to say to the friendly American people that the American people are friends of Saudi Arabia and its people, and they are friends of the Arab and Muslim people, and they are also friends of humanity." credible is THAT? Coming from the 'leader' of a country that stones women accused of adultery, mutilates thieves, hangs sodomites, decapitates those who insult Islam...and is the greatest purveyor of the Wahhabist sect of Islam, which has as its Quranic dictate to destroy the West.

Gee, 'friend' hows abouts a great big hug???!!!

Barry's mission is quite different than that of the American people. It's not new jobs, or stopping the oil spill. No his goal is unequivocal: To create a legacy for himself in the Muslim world...all on the blood of innocent Jews.

A little souvenir for his brethren, eh?

Truth be told: A 2-State 'solution' is another attempt at the 'Final Solution' sculpted by the former Grand Mufti of Jerusalem for his best bud Adolf.

And anyone who denies that, is part of the machination.

Shalom through strength...

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