Monday, February 1, 2010


President Barack Obama's position (that the American people just simply failed to understand his policies) is the very pinnacle of condescension and arrogance. After delivering 411 speeches in the first year of his presidency, the citizenry not only understood them--but profoundly (not to mention vociferously) rejected them.

Obama's left-wing radicalism was strikingly demonstrable. The confluence of health care, cap and trade, profligate spending and Mirandizing terrorists was enough to motive the masses to break out the pitchforks and torches and revolt against the liberal Leviathan.

Memo to President Obama: We the people understood your policies--and that's exactly why we rejected them.

1 comment:

  1. Bravo~!!!!

    Surely, that's what the vast majority of non-Libtards are thinking. As for the remainder... roll over and hit the alarm, it's time to WAKE UP~!!!!

    Thanks Pete... sometimes it's easy to live vicariously through your written words. Thank you for your dedication toward the betterment of our country. We need more individuals like you... and we need to UNITE.

    I appreciate your fervor... may it spread... rapidly and continuously.

