Monday, February 15, 2010


As we continue to convulse over President Obama's genuflections and apologies to Tehran, let us never forget just how murderous the Persian regime truly is. Not only has it killed scores of innocent Israelis (via its proxies Hamas and Hezbollah)--but it is also responsible for the slaughter of 241 US Marines in Beirut 27 years ago.

Furthermore, Iranian-made roadside bombs have crippled, maimed or killed thousands of our troops in both Iraq and Afghanistan (a fact that has been confirmed by our top military commanders). In short, the Islamo-autocratic empire has been killing our soldiers for decades

So, while our commander-in-chief bows at the altar of maniacal mullahs (and their badly dressed puppet Ahmadinejad) the blood of innocents continues to flow with undiminished horror.

1 comment:

  1. Pete~

    Our Coward-in-Chief is a planetary disgrace. I'm a passionate American Citizen who has admittedly come to love, understand, and appreciate her United States of America... what I consider to be fairly "recently". Regardless, it TRULY exists within me and the "penning" of your thoughts has stirred the tremendous disdain I've naturally acquired by looking at B HUSSEIN, prior to the elections and watching my conclusions about that evil man being manifested in LESS than his 12 months in office.

    You can take the boy out of Kenya, but you cannot take the Kenya out of the boy. Just like you can take the boy of out of Muslim, but you cannot take the Muslim out of the boy.

    I digress, if I have such disdain stirred with in ME... OMGoodness... I CANNOT... begin to imagine the level of repugnance those must feel that dedicated their lifes, climbed the ranks, shed blood, lost loved ones, etc... they must feel on an ongoing basis as they watch this JOKER make a FOOL of himself and our beloved Nation on a planetary level.

    The man is morally reprehensible.

    Pete, thank you so VERY much for your passionate expressions FOR our country and taking the time to share it with us. I appreciate it and truly enjoy reading EVERYTHING you have to write. Great job as always, my friend.

    You are greatly appreciated... my by me~!!!

    Keep up the good work~!!!
