Friday, January 15, 2010

No, No, No, And No: How Does That Grab You?

The following blog was written by Audrey Russo. Audrey's poignant and substantive work on the Middle East can be read at she is the Managing Editor.

No, No, No, And No: How Does That Grab You?

Question: How many times does Israeli PM 'Bibi' Netanyahu have to say No, before he is heard?

Answer: Interminably.

This past Tuesday, Bibi again had to say, unequivocally, NO to inequitable Arab demands upon his tiny nation. The PM stated that Israel would never surrender any part of Jerusalem to the 'Palestinians', nor would it return to the pre-1967 borders. He was compelled to respond to statements made by Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Aboul Gheit, in which he informed various Mediterranean foreign ministers that the Israeli PM had eased his positions.

Interesting...the Arabs are somewhat like liberals...when confronted with truth, they only hear what they want to hear...which never amounts to truth...

Allow me to restate what Bibi has said, on many occasions...just in case it needs reiteration:
NO to a divided Jerusalem.
NO to pre-1967 borders.
NO to any true peace talks until complete cessation of violence toward Israeli citizens.
NO surrender of the Golan Heights.
So, to Ahmed, Mahmoud and their ignominious ilk...the answer to all your questions and demands is: No, No, No, and does that grab you?

Well, in the words of that great philosopher, Mick Jagger, "You can't always get what you want."

Shalom through strength...

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