Monday, December 21, 2009


With President Obama exhibiting a disquieting lack of leadership on the issue of Iranian proliferation--look for Israel to boldly take the lead. Faced with only two available options (military action or a nuclear armed Tehran)--the Jewish State will most certainly flex its military muscle by striking the Islamic Republic's nuclear facilities.

And in the end, the world (reluctantly of course) will once again thank Israel for preventing a bloodthirsty, hyper-homicidal Islamic regime from going nuclear.


  1. God is with Israel, Iran is a pox on the earth. Israel will not fail...not with all the Angels of Heaven filling its arsenals! Glory be to Jehovah!

  2. God bless Israel...wait, too late! He already did. Israel saved this world more than once...if we don't stand with them, we deserve what we get. Time to choose sides, America.

    As for me and my house, we stand with Israel, 'cause that's where God stands --- WARCHICK
