Thursday, August 27, 2009


I will always remember Ted Kennedy for his pugnacious assault on Supreme Court nominee Robert Bork: "Robert Bork's America is a land in which women would be forced into back-alley abortions, blacks would sit at segregated lunch counters . . ."

Kennedy, unmistakeably--was the complete antithesis of Ronald Reagan. He dogmatically opposed all tax cuts, disdained any and all US military buildups--and rabidly supported the destruction of innocents in the womb.

The Lion of the Senate has left behind a liberal legacy of caustic legislation (such as the Immigration Reform Act of 1965, which flooded the country with unskilled immigrants)--as well as a seditious anti-Iraq war record that gave aid and comfort to the enemy.

And may we never forget the millions of unborn babies that were slaughtered on the altar of liberalism that Ted Kennedy gleefully constructed.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

If It's Made In Sweden, I Don't Want It

The following blog was written by Audrey Russo. Audrey's poignant and substantive work on the Middle East can be read at she is the Managing Editor.

If It's Made In Sweden, I Don't Want It

You know that country in the Northern part of Europe, known for making good cheese, watches, and some really good quality knives? Well, they're also becoming known for creating something else...hate...

The Swedish were 'neutral' during WWII...unwilling to take a stand against the Nazis...and considering their recent behavior, there is no longer a need to wonder why...

In a piece on, Adi Porat says it all, "In the country that likes to present itself as equal and neutral, Israel is considered the greatest nemesis of our time."

Here's a case in point...reports about terror attacks during the first Intifada didn't identify the perp as a suicide bomber, but instead, that "four Israelis and a Palestinian were killed in an explosion," as if the unfortunate 'Palestinian' merely happened to be at the scene of the blast...when HE was the bomber.

Nothing like neutrality, huh?

Oh, but there's much more...recently, the Swedish paper, Aftonbladet, published on it's website an article accusing the IDF of harvesting 'Palestinian' organs. It was an egregious lie. The Israeli government declared that it expected the Swedish government to officially condemn the article. PM Bibi Netanyahu stated , "We do not want the Swedish government to apologize, we want it to issue a condemnation."

The Swedish response? Although Swedish Ambassador to Israel Elisabet Borsiin Bonnier's condemned the report, the Swedish government said that didn't represent their position.

What?? So they're OK with the hateful paltering? Hmmm...interesting.

While some might say Sweden is taking this stance for political reasons...many know this is merely a facade for good ole, enduring anti-Semitism!

You's no wonder there is a growing Muslim population in Sweden (nearly 10 million)...they must feel right at home.

I have to say...I do love cheese, use watches...and on occasion, need a good quality knife. But from now on...if it's made in Sweden: I don't want it!

Shalom through strength...

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Can there be more demonstrable evidence that Western Civilization is not galvanized against the dark forces of Islamo-thuggery than the release (thanks to the Scots) of Abdel Basset Ali al-Megrahi. This fecal material not only served less than 8 years for incinerating 270 innocents aboard a Pan Am flight back in 1988--but he also received a hero's welcome upon arriving in his native Libya.

By allowing this--the West has telegraphed a disturbingly profound message to the enemy: We are a truly sissified people.

Oh, by the way--what doesn't a Scots man have under his kilt? A pair of balls!

Monday, August 24, 2009


The egregious treatment of the CIA by President Obama (and his rapid lapdog AG Eric Holder) is demonstrable evidence that he simply does not care about our troops. Remember, our warriors in the theater of battle rely heavily on the crucial Intel that is provided to them by the men and women of this fine organization.

By the administration launching a political investigation against it (concerning so-called torture techniques) will only serve to greatly diminish the amount of Intel made available to our soldiers battling the enemy in both Iraq and Afghanistan.

And the end result, without question--will be truly catastrophic: More dead GI's.

Way to go, O!

Friday, August 21, 2009


Those that are in search of the root-cause of Islamic terrorism (particularly the mainstream media) have a disturbing penchant for shunning the obvious. Whether it is Osama bin Laden, Khalid Sheik Mohammad or the 9/11 hijackers--all have explicitly stated that they were motivated to shed innocent blood by traditional Koranic text.

These individuals repeatedly quoted such traditional text (recognized by all schools of Islamic jurisprudence as valid calls to jihad and death to the infidels) as they carried out their sinister plots to slaughter thousands of unsuspecting civilians.

So, despite the mainstream media's blind search--these terrorist bastards have already told us what the root-cause of Islamic terrorism is.

It's Islam, stupid.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Google's Foreign Policy

The following blog was written by Audrey Russo. Audrey's poignant and substantive work on the Middle East can be read at she is the Managing Editor.

Google's Foreign Policy

Intelligence and education are wonderful things, but without wisdom, are worth a pile of *drek.

That's exactly the results the largest internet search engine, Google has acquired with their recent actions...opening up a domain specifically for the Palestinian Authority (PA) and Gaza Arabs. They have taken a political stand, not one based upon facts...and not a wise business choice, to boot.

There is a preponderance of evidence to prove that there is, in fact, no such people as 'palestinians'. 'Palestine has never existed as an independent entity...ever. It was controlled by Rome, by the Ottoman Empire and, temporarily, by the British following WW I. The Brits then consented to restore part of the land to the Jewish people as their homeland.

But, hey...don't believe me, here's Palestine Liberation Organization executive committee member Zahir Muhsein, in an interview printed in a Dutch newspaper (Trouw) on March 31, 1977:
"The Palestinian people does not exist. The creation of a Palestinian state is only a means for continuing our struggle against the state of Israel for our Arab unity. In reality today there is no difference between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of a Palestinian people, since Arab national interests demand that we posit the existence of a distinct "Palestinian people" to oppose Zionism."For tactical reasons, Jordan, which is a sovereign state with defined borders, cannot raise claims to Haifa and Jaffa, while as a Palestinian, I can undoubtedly demand Haifa, Jaffa, Beer-Sheva and Jerusalem. However, the moment we reclaim our right to all of Palestine, we will not wait even a minute to unite Palestine and Jordan."

Now let's remember...Arabs control 99.9% of the Middle East. Israel represents 1/10th of 1% of the region. So almost EVERYTHING is not enough for the Arabs, huh? A wee bit of a covetous crew...

The Middle East conflict is a hot property, and to tread upon this sod ignorantly is not only feckless...but egregious. Google that...

Shalom through strength...

*Drek - Human dung, feces, manure or excrement; inferior merchandise or work; insincere talk or excessive flattery.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


The Middle East conflagration is not as complex as the Euro-intellects and State Department bureaucrats build it up to be. In fact--it is fairly simple to comprehend: The Palestinians (inspired by Koranic doctrine) believe Israel does not have a right to exist, and thus--must be driven into the sea.

The manifestations of this convoluted and wretched mindset can be seen in the daily rocket attacks from Gaza, the insidiously anti-Semitic speeches delivered by high ranking Fatah members, and the Death to the Jews curriculum being taught in Palestinian schools.

Whether Oslo, or the so-called Road Map--these peace initiatives have all been glaring failures due to one reason: The Palestinians have never been interested in land for peace--but rather death to Israel.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


The incontestable evidence that Western Civilization is teetering on the brink of insanity can be found in its slavish desire to hasten a Palestinian State. With Gaza (a post facto PS) as a bloodcurdling example--why would anyone seek to reward such a horde of brain-dead,
murderous thugs with their own nation.

Democratic leaders must remember: The Palestinians not only viciously attack Israel (from Gaza) because they hate Jews--but they also do it to demonstrate their intense vitriol for democracy.

By advocating a Palestinian State--Western Civilization will not only be giving birth to a nation that will be used as a base of operations for the violent extermination of Jews--but also the total deconstruction of democracy.

Now--how insane is that?

Monday, August 17, 2009


Is there any doubt that the Obama Administration has a great antipathy for the American people? From calling us "demagogues," to "hate-mongers," to "un-American," the evidence is strikingly irrefutable. For the first time in our nation's history--we have an administration that is waging a vicious and calculated ideological war against the citizenry.

It is truly getting ugly!

Friday, August 14, 2009

The Right Rx For Healthcare

The following blog was written by Audrey Russo. Audrey's poignant and substantive work on the Middle East can be read at she is the Managing Editor.

The Right Rx For Healthcare

The hottest topic on everyone's lips lately is healthcare reform. The most discussed proposal is HR 3200 (because the Senate hasn't formulated one yet, though they're out peddling it). And it appears the more that is revealed about this atrocity of a bill...the more the citizenry is in opposition. (Probably the most pernicious tactic of the administration is to label the truthful revelation of the elements of the bill as 'myths'...but they indeed are not.)

Putting aside the fact that the majority of people are happy with their current healthcare (80% in CNN poll), the majority do desire some changes...and here are the answers to the healthcare questions that would work for a free-market society, such as ours:
Malpractice Insurance Reform (Tort reform).
Allowing the purchase of health insurance across state lines, as we allow with auto insurance, which permits competition, which in turn creates a consumer-friendly milieu and would allow people to keep the same insurance from job to job.
Allow the purchase of al a carte insurance, which can only be accomplished when the government relinquishes control over private insurance.
These are the right reforms for a free-market system and a free people, which has become burdened by an invasive government...release the federal tentacles...and all will be well (pun intended).

Many have become sick of how our elected leaders have molded an intrusive system...but if any form of this lethal bill is passed...we will truly know what sick is...if we make it that far (no myth, page 425).

Thursday, August 13, 2009


Those suffering from the most virulent strain of naivete ( the belief that ObamaCare will not limit health services) obviously missed the most telling statement yet proffered by Obama on the issue: "Maybe you're better off not having that surgery, but taking the painkiller."

This statement speaks directly (and explicitly) to those seniors seeking life-extending surgeries: Kiss your ass goodbye, granny!!!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


So, let me get this straight: According to Speaker Pelosi--if you express passionate opposition to ObamaCare you are "un-American." But (while masturbating in public during San Francisco's Gay Pride Day celebration) you shout bone-chilling obscenities at Christians--you are a champion of free-speech.

What a crock of sh#*!!!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

For Moughniyeh Alone, We Must Give Our Aid

The following blog was written by Audrey Russo. Audrey's poignant and substantive work on the Middle East can be read at she is the Managing Editor.On Feb 12, 2008, The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) did a great deed for our country and for the families of 241 Marines, who lost their lives at the hands of one of the most venal terrorist groups on our planet: Hezbollah.

For Moughniyeh Alone, We Must Give Our Aid

The IDF brought justice that day by killing the mastermind of the 1983 attack in Beirut: Imad Moughniyeh (pronounced Mug NEE uh). He plotted the craven attack to take place as our Marines, who were in Beirut as peacekeepers, were sleeping. And since that time...NO ONE in the Arab world would give him up. And our country, sadly, was not pursuing the fiend.

But Israel kept track of the vermin...and finally brought justice to the memories of our brave fallen.

Now it's time to show how much we appreciate Israel's steadfastness to us. We must stand by our friends, who are under threat of revenge by Hezbollah...for taking Moughniyeh out. Israel has stated that they will hold Hezbollah and Lebanon itself responsible for any attempt to slaughter Israelis overseas.

And we MUST support them in this accountability.

Because if we don't, we will show our friends, we are not to be trusted. And send an unequivocal message to our enemies, we are as weak as ever.

In a post 9/11 world...the failure to give our support is tantamount to suicide.

Shalom through strength...

Monday, August 10, 2009


Nancy Pelosi's rant (“I think they’re AstroTurf, you be the judge...They’re carrying swastikas and symbols like that to a town meeting on health care") against Americans who dare voice opposition to ObamaCare is nothing but a classic case of pure diversion.

Pelosi's attempt to verbally demonize the masses--who have passionately remonstrated against the proposed socialization of America's health care system--is a blatant attempt to shift the focus from the perfidy being exposed in the proposal--to those who are merely exposing it.

This tactic (propounded by Saul Alinsky) has been an effective arrow in the quiver of liberals for decades, until now. From talk radio to the blogosphere--Nanacy Pelosi's sinister attempt at diversion has been thoroughly exposed.

Americans deserve better than this scheming, lying--vicious old hag.

Friday, August 7, 2009


I ask you, with 43 US casualties last month in Afghanistan--where were all the acrimonious, raucous and glaringly violent anti-war demonstrations? Recall during the bloodiest months of the Iraq War, the anti-war zealots were out en masse calling then President Bush a war criminal, burning him in effigy, blocking rail and trucking routes used to move military supplies, looting and torching public property.

Oh, that's right: War is only a criminal endeavor when there's a Republican in the White House.

How stupid of me to forget!

Thursday, August 6, 2009


The following blog was written by Audrey Russo. Audrey's poignant and substantive work on the Middle East can be read at she is the Managing Editor.

One Terror Base Is Enough

This week, on the 4-year anniversary of Israel's withdrawal from Gaza, Israeli PM Netanyahu observed, "Israel uprooted 10,000 of its citizens from their homes and Gaza has turned into a terror base under the control of Hamas, and sponsored by Iran."

Indeed...the Israeli government ripped Israeli citizens from their homes and lives in Gaza, and handed it, by our their enemies. Who quickly turned a thriving and productive community into a terror base from which they have, from that day, launched rockets into Jewish civilian areas. All as a 'gift' from the former Persian empire...with 'love'...a bloodthirsty love for dead Jews.

Netanyahu continued, "Israel expects the 'Palestinians' to recognize Israel as a Jewish state, it expects that the refugee issue be resolved outside of Israel and the implementation of effective security solutions with international guarantees - all these are conditions for the advancement of a sustainable and stable peace agreement."

The PA has already made itself clear on what it will NOT do: Everything that Israel has stated above. And without the first (recognition of the Jewish State), you can forget about the rest...they are moot.

Gaza is clearly a microcosm of a 'palestinian' state. It (PA) has taken, US and world community monies, under the pretense of aiding the poor, establishing housing and commerce for their people of Gaza. None of which materialized. But what DID occur was a weapons depot, 'Palestinian' women and children used as human shields, and much destruction and brutality, inflicted by Hamas et al, upon innocent Jews in nearby Israeli cities (i.e. Ashkelon).

And now the US is insisting upon another 'Gaza' (Judea-Samaria)? Isn't one terror base enough?

Each innocent Jewish life that has been destroyed because of our 'meddling' is on our heads. How much culpability do we want for the murder of more Jews?

And do we really want to fool with the G-d of Israel? He has promised in Genesis 12:3 to bless those that bless Israel and curse those that curse Israel. With the shape that Obama has been molding out republic in, can we really afford a pox? I think not...

One terror base is indeed enough...and if we push our allies to surrender yet more of their land, Mr. Obama, you can be sure of the words of Ed Norton from the Honeymooners, "a pox on you and your ancestors."

Shalom through strength...

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


For those who have poo-pooed the notion that Barack Obama wants to be a dictator, consider ObamaCare. It is a Euro-style health care system that will not only micromanage every aspect of the doctor/patient relationship---but it will also co-opt over 20% of our GDP.

This is a huge step towards controlling the middle class, which makes up 75% of the nation. And, as Saul Alinsky fervently preached: Control the proletariat--and you control the country.

Make no mistake: ObamaCare is part of a well crafted machination designed to morph America into a dictatorship run by a left-wing, Ivy League narcissist who believes he knows best.

Well, poo-pooh no more!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


It has become disgustingly apparent that President Obama has a strong affinity for those who just love to bash America.

Obama will be presenting the Medal of Freedom (our nation's highest civilian award) to former Irish President Mary Robinson. Robinson, on more than one occasion (particularly following 9/11) has excoriated America foreign policy, as well as calling Israel a Nazi State that brutally, painfully and methodically subjugates Palestinians.

Well, I guess we can just add Robinson to the growing list (which includes Chavez, Castro, Ortega, Assad and Ahmadinejad) of tyrants and thugs Obama has reached out to that just love to whack America.

Monday, August 3, 2009


The most demonstrable evidence (to date) that President Obama has a deep seated antipathy for his own country involves the release of classified information about the so-called torture methods used on detainees.

This politically expedient tactic was designed to make Obama appear magnanimous to the Muslim World, while depicting former President Bush (and the American people) as a raucous horde of bloodthirsty Neanderthals.

Furthermore, by releasing such stealth information--Obama has handed the enemy a literal treasure trove of goodies that can help it prepare to resist any and all interrogation methods.

OIB is profoundly disturbed by this. How about you?

Saturday, August 1, 2009


It is detestable that an individual (who is a devout member of a racist organization) will soon be a member of the Supreme Court. Sonia Sotomayor's membership in La Raza (a dogmatically radical group that espouses the superiority of the brown race) seems to be of no consequence.


Because America is currently in the throes of Whip Whitey Syndrome, and the manifestations are clearly insidious. It allows minorities like Sotomayor to cast endless aspersions ("wise Latina") that disparage and belittle white males. But, mind you-- if a white male dare respond: He is called a white-hooded devil!

It is time to checkout of this Jesse Jackson nightmare (put a halt to the preferential treatment of so-called victim classes) and stop allowing the race-mongers, race-baiters and liberal elites from demonizing white males in order to win taxpayer subsidies and votes.