Thursday, August 30, 2012
Perhaps the cost of health insurance would abate if government didn't dictate to insurance companies what type of coverage they must provide (baldness prevention, male-boob reduction, contraceptives, erectile enhancement, urban booty augmentation, cannabis decontamination, etc.).
Please--let the free market decide!---Burgess Redding for the editors
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
New Jersey Gov. Krispy Kreme delivered the keynote speech at last night's RNC. Though a rousing address-- which earned him myriad accolades--this party's rising "rock star" is the very individual who fought the deportation of Hamas member Mohammed Qatanani.
In fact, the governor went as far as to call Qatanani a man of "great good will."
Disturbing? You bet!
In fact, the governor went as far as to call Qatanani a man of "great good will."
Disturbing? You bet!
Monday, August 27, 2012
If Mitt Romney is to defeat Barrack Obama this November, he has to do more than just discuss the issue that matters most to Americans (the ailing economy). The former governor must also proffer a sound and substantive policy on how to fix it.
By doing so--he will accomplish two things: 1) Give Americans true hope that real change is on the way. 2) Expose Obama for who he really is: A vacuous, inept windbag who is short on substance and policy--yet long on rhetorical dung.
Romney must always remember the winning formula: Substance over sh*t.
By doing so--he will accomplish two things: 1) Give Americans true hope that real change is on the way. 2) Expose Obama for who he really is: A vacuous, inept windbag who is short on substance and policy--yet long on rhetorical dung.
Romney must always remember the winning formula: Substance over sh*t.
Friday, August 24, 2012
While our nation in in desperate need of serious leadership--our president continues to proffer class-warfare, abortion on demand, same-sex marriage and free condoms.---Burgess Redding for the editors
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Funny how the mainstream media gave Joe Biden a pass when he made the stereotypical racial comment that President Obama has a "big stick."
Fact is--if you look underneath that "big stick"--you'll discover Obama has no balls.
And neither does the mainstream media.
Fact is--if you look underneath that "big stick"--you'll discover Obama has no balls.
And neither does the mainstream media.
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
There will never be peace in the Middle East as long as there is Islam.
Why? Because it is this archaic, savage and insidiously anti-Semitic dogma that demands the destruction of the Jewish people (Sura 9:29).
So, as long as there is Islam--there will never be peace.
Why? Because it is this archaic, savage and insidiously anti-Semitic dogma that demands the destruction of the Jewish people (Sura 9:29).
So, as long as there is Islam--there will never be peace.
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
The ongoing chaos, violence and consternation (which beleaguers the Middle East) are not manifestations of Israeli 'arrogance' nor American 'hegemony'--but rather Islamic dogma.---Burgess Redding for the editors
Monday, August 20, 2012
Yesterday's news that Egypt (in direct violation of its
peace treaty with Israel) has set up anti-aircraft missiles in the Sinai is yet
more chilling and demonstrable evidence that Obama's foreign policy is just as
lethal as his domestic policy.
Both policies (if allowed to continue for another 4
years) will insidiously deconstruct Western Civilization.
And once that takes place--America will be nothing more
than a sharia outpost in a global Islamic hegemony.
Friday, August 17, 2012
FACT: President Obama (against the advice of his actuaries) has looted $741 billion from Medicare which has caused a growing number of physicians to end their participation in the program.
Recent studies have already indicated the devastating and deadly corollaries Obama's actions have had on seniors.
Obama: Looting Medicare, killing seniors.
Recent studies have already indicated the devastating and deadly corollaries Obama's actions have had on seniors.
Obama: Looting Medicare, killing seniors.
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
By proclaiming his support for same-sex marriage--President Obama (the leader of the free world) has placed his stamp of approval on a lifestyle that is both spiritually and medically dangerous.
With this public declaration--Obama (irrefutably) has placed millions of confused and impressionable children in grave danger.
He is truly--the Colon in Chief.
With this public declaration--Obama (irrefutably) has placed millions of confused and impressionable children in grave danger.
He is truly--the Colon in Chief.
Monday, August 13, 2012
Paul Ryan's overall knowledge and sapience on economic affairs will act as battering ram against the feckless fiscal policies of the Colon-in-Chief. Obama's constant spin, finger-pointing and mendacities concerning the economy will be exposed by Ryan's uncanny ability to articulate the facts (and do so without a teleprompter).
The congressman's fiscal plan (the Path to Prosperity) sharply contravenes the President's hyper-Keynesian policies that have been a profound bane to the American economy.
So, Mr. Obama--it's time to bend over and kiss your "Audacity" goodbye!
The congressman's fiscal plan (the Path to Prosperity) sharply contravenes the President's hyper-Keynesian policies that have been a profound bane to the American economy.
So, Mr. Obama--it's time to bend over and kiss your "Audacity" goodbye!
Friday, August 10, 2012
While recent presidents (from both political parties) have cravenly genuflected at the altar of Islam--our sixth president, John Quincy Adams, shunned such timidity when he stated the following: "The law which their prophet Mohamed has given to muslims, is that any harm done to any one who does not accept Islamic Law, is no sin at all."
Thursday, August 9, 2012
Stating that Islam is a religion of "peace" (with hundreds of years of irrefutable history to the contrary)--is an act of evil capitulation.---Burgess Redding for the editors
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
New Jersey Governor Chris Christie recently held an Iftar dinner at the Governor's Mansion where he praised Imam Mohammad Qatanani (a Hamas-linked cleric) whose deportation is sought by the US government.
Manifestly this GOP "rock star" is nothing more than a dangerous, ass kissing, Muslim apologist.
Manifestly this GOP "rock star" is nothing more than a dangerous, ass kissing, Muslim apologist.
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
In 2008 Barrack Obama received over $40 million from an industry which made its money by killing babies and then placing their remains in medical waste bags.
And I still hear some Republicans call him a "nice" man.
And I still hear some Republicans call him a "nice" man.
Monday, August 6, 2012
With Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan claiming the following “the mosques are our barracks, the domes our helmets, the minarets our bayonets and the faithful our soldiers," it begs the questions:
1) Why is the West allowing even one more mosque to be built on its soil?
2) Why is Turkey still a NATO member?
1) Why is the West allowing even one more mosque to be built on its soil?
2) Why is Turkey still a NATO member?
Thursday, August 2, 2012
While Mitt Romney has pledged his unwavering support of Israel--the I-in-Chief continues to pledge his unwavering support of self.
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
With the economy in near chaos--Democrats are preoccupied with adding same-sex marriage to their party's official platform. Once again the party of Carter, Clinton and Obama is rear-ending the American people.---Burgess Redding for the editors
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