The Obama Administration (in an attempt to broker a deal with the Islamic killing machine, the Taliban) is considering releasing five of its top leaders who (the DOD claims) will return to battlefield to kill our soldiers.
Obama: Always looking out for the troops.
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Monday, January 30, 2012
President Obama's confrontation with Arizona Governor Jan Brewer (over her critical depiction of him in her book Scorpions for Breakfast) further underscores the disquieting reality that Obama is far more concerned about personal criticism than the economy.
Friday, January 27, 2012
Memo to President Obama: "Unfairness" is when 47% of the population doesn't pay a cent in taxes.
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Those who fecklessly believe that the religion of "peace" has been hijacked by a gaggle of radicals (obsessed with decapitation) manifestly have never read the following Koranic verse: “I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads.”----Sura 8:12
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
If President Obama were truly serious about fixing the economy he would repeal Dodd-Frank which--according to the American Bankers Association--will cost the US economy 2.5 million jobs over the next 3 years.
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
OIB finds it rather curious how Mitt Romney talks interminable about service and steadfastness to America--yet he (nor any of his five sons) thought it important enough to wear our nation's uniform.
Monday, January 23, 2012
It has just been reported that Russia has signed a $600 million deal to sell the savage autocracy in Syria combat jets.
This disquieting revelation further underscores the utter naivete of President Obama's "restart" policy concerning the former Soviet Union.
This disquieting revelation further underscores the utter naivete of President Obama's "restart" policy concerning the former Soviet Union.
Friday, January 20, 2012
The fact that top wage earners (under the Bush tax cuts) actually paid 5% more--while 47% of Americans paid nothing--eviscerates the liberal canard that Dubya's tax cuts favored the wealthy.
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Obama's strident rejection of the Keystone XL pipeline is just another phase of his Decline by Design machination created to destroy our nation's superpower status.
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Income inequality zealots are of the mindset that it is highly unfair that a 25 year old male flipping burgers at McDonalds (who has fathered 6 children with 5 different women) makes significantly less than a hedge fund manager.
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
The most insidious manifestation of President Obama's assault on our nation's superpower status is his unfettered willingness to cut defense spending.
Monday, January 16, 2012
The very thought that the actions of the "piss" Marines will foment hatred against America in the Muslim world is an absolute joke.
Why? Because the Muslim world's profound hatred for the "Great Satan" existed long before the first Semper Fi schlong was ever whipped out.
Why? Because the Muslim world's profound hatred for the "Great Satan" existed long before the first Semper Fi schlong was ever whipped out.
Saturday, January 14, 2012
CAIR's apoplexy over US Marines urinating on dead Taliban fighters is a bit disingenuous considering the organization has spent untold dollars advertising that the Taliban doesn't represent Islam.
Monday, January 9, 2012
The real question concerning Mitt Romney should be: Is he better than the unmitigated catastrophe that currently occupies the Oval Office?
And the answer is a resounding--HELL YEAH!
And the answer is a resounding--HELL YEAH!
Friday, January 6, 2012
It is the pinnacle of insanity that Mahmoud Abbas is considered a "partner for peace" and a "moderate" when he continually refers to Israel's birth as "Nakba Day" (The Day of Catastrophe).
Abbas (like Hitler) belongs on the dung heap of history.
Abbas (like Hitler) belongs on the dung heap of history.
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Thanks, Exxon Mobile
For all the acrimony and convulsing over "big oil"-- Exxon Mobile only controls 1% of the world's oil supply.
In fact--while the company makes 75% of its profit abroad--50% of its workforce is in America.
Thanks, Exxon Mobile!
In fact--while the company makes 75% of its profit abroad--50% of its workforce is in America.
Thanks, Exxon Mobile!
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Mitt Romney's victory last night in Iowa (a state he wasn't expected to win) underscores the fact that Republicans are steadfastly dedicated to just one thing: Nominating a candidate that can defeat Barack Obama in November.
And given Obama's catastrophic (if not nefarious) record--such dedication is a matter of survival.
And given Obama's catastrophic (if not nefarious) record--such dedication is a matter of survival.
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
The term "radical Islam" is a politically correct expression designed to obfuscate the historical fact that Muhammad was the most violent figure of the 7th century.
Sadly--all the conservative candidates vying for the Republican nomination have used this term when discussing 9/11.
Sadly--all the conservative candidates vying for the Republican nomination have used this term when discussing 9/11.
Monday, January 2, 2012
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