Friday, October 29, 2010


The very next time you hear a liberal doggedly proclaim that "the Constitution demands a wall of separation between church and state"--whip out your pocket Constitution (every good conservative should carry one) and ask him to locate this oft repeated metaphor.

And then--get ready to Laugh Your Ass Off!

Thursday, October 28, 2010


The next time you engage in a little polemics (with your liberal friends) about the always poignant "separation of church and state" issue--throw this question at them: Why--long after the First Amendment was adopted (1789)--did Connecticut (until 1818) and Massachusetts (until 1833) have established state churches?

Then--just sit back-- and watch their freakin' heads explode!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


The one sad (if not pernicious) fact we have learned from the classified military documents (about the Iraq War) posted on *WikiLeaks is this: While President Obama was busy kissing Iran's ass--the recalcitrant Islamic Republic was busy killing hundreds of US troops in Mesopotamia with its EFP's (Explosively Formed Penetrators).

Seems O's plan of reaching out (with puckered lips) to the Islamic World just ain't cuttin' it.

*WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is a scumbag!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


The caustic corollaries of ObamaCare are already being felt. Large corporations such as AT&T, Verizon, John Deere and Caterpillar are considering dropping health coverage for their workers.

Why? Because OCare has caused a dramatic rise in the price of health insurance. And, as a result--these corporations find it more cost effective to pay the no-coverage penalty than to actually insure their employees.

So, what will these workers do? Mostly likely they will end up in the government-run insurance exchange program.

All of this begs the question: Are these just some of the unintended consequences of ObamaCare, or (just maybe) a well crafted machination designed to fulfill President Obama's ultimate dream of a one payer system?

Take a wild guess.

Monday, October 25, 2010


There is no denying the fact that liberals are a bane to society. They have not only labored assiduously to erode our nation's moral fabric by supporting welfare, socialism, high taxes, same-sex marriage, etc.--but now they are aiding and abetting the very enemy that seeks our bloody demise--Islamo-terrorists.

Libs are notorious for demonizing any individual who dares wax forthright about Islam (just ask Juan Williams). Even if one has the temerity to expose the (hard) historical record of the prophet Muhammad's violent/misogynist/anti-Semitic pathologies--those on the left will go to the hyper-extreme--to not only cloud these facts--but to also cast the individual as a bigoted, right-wing Islomaphobe.

By doing the devil's work--liberals are making it much easier for the enemy to slit our throats.But what they fail to understand is: Their throats will be the first to bleed.

Friday, October 22, 2010


In a recent study issued by the Pacific Research Institute--Iowa based Principal Financial Group determined that (due to ObamaCare) it will no longer be offering health insurance. And, as a result--a staggering 840,000 people will be losing their coverage.

So, is it any wonder that Democrats can't campaign on ObamaCare? After all--the Prevaricator and Chief emphatically stated that (under his program) not a single person would lose his health coverage.

When the final chapter is written about Barrack Hussein Obama--it will close with these very words: Our nation's most articulate and eloquent liar.

Thursday, October 21, 2010


When Germany's Chancellor recently stated that multiculturalism was an "utter failure"--it marked the very first time a Western leader actually had the intrepidness (balls) to admit it...Angela Merkel: What a man!!!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


The obscene meltdown by The View's Goldberg and Behar is demonstrable proof that the Left is in total denial. Nearly ten years after the attacks on 9/11--and the lefties still refuse to believe that it was Muslims who incinerated 3,000 Americans.

This denial remains the most disquieting (and disturbing) position held by the Left. A position so egregiously nonsensical that it should convince all clear thinking Americans that those on the left are mentally dilapidated, radical nut-jobs worthy of a straight jacket.

Calling *Bellevue!

*NYC's best hospital for treating mental disorders

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


On November 2nd we will witness (with great glee and satisfaction) career politicos like Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi--who believe it is the role of government to create jobs--swept out of power.

These miserable bastards have (for far too long) defecated on the Jeffersonian notion that government is best when it governs least. And, as a result--have instituted draconian fiscal policies (ObamaCare, etc.) that have castrated the free market system.

Thankfully--they will be replaced by individuals (like Sharron Angle) who devoutly believe that the private sector knows best when it comes to job creation. And that a smaller government means a bigger and more robust economy.

Amen to November 2nd!

Monday, October 18, 2010


It is strikingly manifest that President Obama's domestic policies (stimulus package, ObamaCare, etc.) have been nothing short of a brutal failure. But his biggest (and most pernicious) failure to date has been his appeasement policy toward Iran.

It is a policy (dripping with endless mea culpas and toothless sanctions) that has not only served to buy the Punks of Persia more time to construct a nuclear weapon--but has also allowed them to strengthen their virulently anti-Semitic/anti-American proxies Hamas and Hezbollah.

And if Iran does goes nuclear (which seems inevitable)--it will be able to unleash it proxies against Israel and the West with relative impunity. Not to mention the constant threat of a mushroom cloud over Jerusalem.

Biggest failure to date? You bet!

Friday, October 15, 2010


It is without question that ObamaCare is an insidious jihad against the American economy. And if not repealed--will reduce our nation to a third world cesspool.

Thursday, October 14, 2010


President Obama is (unquestionably) a pathological liar. And his incessant whining that President Bush caused our nation's economic meltdown is his biggest whopper to date.

Fact is--fellow socialists in arms Barney Frank and Chris Dodd are the two most culpable characters in this sordid tale of greed, venality and financial fecklessness.

Lest we forget--it was this Demonic Duo that pushed mega-mortgage companies Fannie and Freddie to issue subprime loans which has cost (already beleaguered taxpayers) billions more.

Hail to the Prevaricator in Chief!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Only the incredibly dumb actually believe not a single person (under Obamacare) will lose his health insurance. In fact--Verizon recently crunched the numbers and realized it would save almost $2 billion a year by dropping its employee health coverage benefits in favor of paying the no-coverage penalty stipulated in Ocare.

And did you know that Verizon is just one of a plethora of major corporations contemplating such a move?

Again: Incredibly Dumb.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Those who believe that the Republican Party is the party of "No" are (for lack of a better word)STUPID! Why? Because contrary to this popular mantra--the Jackass Party has been in total control of the White House and congress since 2008--which means it can pass any legislation it desires.

Again: STUPID!

Monday, October 11, 2010


"Of this voyage, I observe," says the Admiral, "that it has miraculously been shown, as may be understood by this writing, by the many signal miracles that He has shown on the voyage, and for me, who for so great a time was in the court of Your Highnesses with the opposition and against the opinion of so many high personages of your household, who were all against me, alleging this undertaking to be folly, which I hope in Our Lord will be to the greater glory of Christianity, which to some slight extent already has happened."
Christopher Columbus (1451 - 1506)

Sunday, October 10, 2010


During our nation's infancy--state constitutions truly reflected the relevance that religion was to play in the public square. For example--the constitutions of Delaware, Vermont and Pennsylvania required that all elected officials openly profess a belief in G-d (and the Holy Scriptures).

But the Founders also realized that certain religions were blatantly insidious--and for that very reason Georgia's constitution (1777)--although permitting religious freedom--issued the following caveat: No religion was to be permitted that was "repugnant to the peace and safety” of the state.

Obviously the Founders (unlike our current leaders--who support the Ground Zero Mosque) knew--in order to protect the citizenry--there had to be limitations on freedom of religion.

What a bunch of wise crackers.

Friday, October 8, 2010


With unemployment hovering around 20% in the African American community (10% above the national average) and the poverty level at an all-time high--91% of all blacks still strongly support President Obama.

Could the explanation for such fealty to a man (whose fiscal polices have produced such horrifically painful and devastating numbers) be based on skin color?

I certainly hope not because that would be (in a word) racist.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

UNTIL 9/11

OIB was of the opinion that liberalism was the most corrosive and venomous ideology--until 9/11.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


OIB isn't buying Harvard's current explaination (opostion to the military's Don't Ask, Don't Tell policy) as the reason for prohibiting ROTC from its campus. Why? Because the very architect of the policy--former President Bill Clinton--has an open invitation at the prestigious Ivy League institution.

So what's the real reason for the ban? A PROFOUND HATRED OF THE MILITARY.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Counterterrorism czar John Brennan is one dangerous dude. Why? Because instead of protecting America from the insidious forces of Islamo-thuggery--he is too busy wearing out his lips on the booty of the Muslim community.

Brennan (as reported by Human Events)--in an attempt to appease this community--has commanded the FBI to inform any and all imams of impending raids on their mosques or cultural centers.

Given the fact that these Islamic worship sites have been used in the past to plot bloody machinations against America--this is (unquestionably) one lethal form of appeasement.

Monday, October 4, 2010


As Obamacare starts to take root--the cost of health insurance will rise precipitously. Why? Because providers will be forced to include such things as transgender operations, fellatio lip enhancement, moob* reduction, penis-envy psychotherapy and self-esteem curative analysis.

Think I'm kidding? When the feds (decades ago) started dictating to private insurance companies what type of flood coverage they could provide to their costumers--the price skyrocketed. This eventually led to a government takeover of all flood insurance--which is currently $25 billion in the red.

And guess who's picking up that tab?

Obamacare: A high price to pay for penis-envy.

*man boob

Friday, October 1, 2010


If there are any doubts about the sheer insidiousness of Islam--just wait and see what a nuclear armed Iran will do in the name of Allah.