The following blog was written by Audrey Russo. Audrey's poignant and substantive work on the Middle East can be read at she is the Managing Editor.
Our Freaky Friday With France
Many of us are familiar with the film Freaky Friday...a mom and daughter, through surreal circumstances, switch bodies...well, before our very eyes, we are seeing a Freaky Friday occur between France...and America...
At one time, America...among other virtues...was known for it's common sense. We knew the difference between right and wrong, good and evil...and we stood on the side of what was right and what was good. But a creeping cowardice made it's way into the recesses of our government and was made manifest with the advent of the 9/11 terror attacks.
And since then, we have become more and more craven in our attempt to avoid 'offending' anyone of the Muslim faith...and avoid being viewed by the gutless EU as mean and unfair. We give Muslim terrorists Miranda Rights, install foot baths in airports for Muslim cabbies and designate prayer rooms for Muslim students in public infinitum...
But that was Thursday, and this is Friday...
Now, a country who has been known for it's weakness in the past (i.e. WWII) has now found the spine, we have lost. A conversation begun by French President Sarkozy in June of 2009, in which he told both houses of parliament that veils were "not welcome" in France...that the full veil was "contrary to our values and to the ideals we have of women's dignity" (hey...shouldn't that be heard on every street corner in America?), has now moved forward to a French MPs call for a ban on Afghan-style burqas and other garments that cover a woman's face. AND it has popular support! An opinion poll by Ipsos for the magazine Le Point revealed that 57% of French voters favor a ban. Did you get that? 57% of the French say NO to veils...
The country we were so enamored to imitate...with their brie and broadmindedness...has gained common sense, just as ours took flight...
Perhaps we'll get it as things come back around...that is, of course, if we're still here to 'get it'.
Shalom through strength...
Friday, January 29, 2010
Thursday, January 28, 2010
"In this epic struggle--against the insidious forces of Islamic despotism--I have instructed my military commanders to immediately terminate the feckless practice of Mirandizing and replace it with Operation Just Kill The Bastard. This will not only save the taxpayers big bucks, but it will also serve to rapidly reduce the global surplus of Koran toting terrorists."---President A. Pair
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Operation Iron Balls is of the uncompromising belief that the abrogation of enhanced interrogations (which indisputably produced lifesaving information) was an act of pure evil. Thus, any and all individuals responsible for such nefariousness have the blood of innocents on their hands.
Blood, by the way--that cannot be washed away.
Blood, by the way--that cannot be washed away.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
"It is beyond unconscionable that the President of the United States would seek to develop a milieu of mutual respect with a regime [Tehran]--which not only threatens our ally Israel with nuclear extinction--but also (via Iranian produced explosive devises) sheds the blood of our soldiers in both Iraq and Afghanistan.
"This brand of foreign policy explicitly defies all logic and most certainly teeters on the precipice of unbridled insanity." ----Burgess Redding
"This brand of foreign policy explicitly defies all logic and most certainly teeters on the precipice of unbridled insanity." ----Burgess Redding
Monday, January 25, 2010
Barack Hussein Obama's imminent plunge into the crapper of feckless presidents (think Jimmy Carter) will be greatly accelerated if (G-d forbid) New York City suffers a terrorist attack during the KSM trial. If the Big Apple is hit--in a violent and dramatic attempt by al Qaeda to free the terror kingpin--Obama will indeed become the most inept (not to mention reviled) leader in US history.
And then all that will be left to do is flush.
And then all that will be left to do is flush.
Friday, January 22, 2010
So, before the race-baiters, racial-demagogues and other assorted leftist nut-jobs (think the Congressional Black Caucus) start spewing their poison--let us remember one thing: President Obama is being stridently rejected, by a vast majority of the citizenry, because of his liberal policies--not because of the color of his skin.
It's all about substance--not skin hue.
It's all about substance--not skin hue.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
It's astonishing how Hollywood liberals enthusiastically applaud the deployment (for humanitarian reasons) of US Marines--such as the one in earthquake ravaged Haiti--but exhibit utter disdain and hostility when they are deployed to kill Islamic terrorists.
Tinseltown liberals: A truly twisted species!
Tinseltown liberals: A truly twisted species!
"In the end this wasn't about the type of campaign Martha Coakley ran--instead, it was about a highly smug president who attempted to ram his Euro-socialistic agenda down our collective throats."
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
"Today's special election in Massachusetts will be the final unraveling of the Audacity of Arrogance juggernaut--as well as the final (thank G-d) nail in the coffin of that Marxist monstrosity known as ObamaCare." ---OIB---
Monday, January 18, 2010
Despite what the president's sycophants, toadies and spin-doctors are saying about tomorrow's special election in Massachusetts: it is clearly a referendum on their savior's socialistic agenda. Truth is--if this most sacrosanct of Democrat thrones (Ted Kennedy's senate seat) is swiped by the Republicans--Obama will certainly be a one term blunder.
Thank G-d!
If the GOP is victorious--it will lend the final surge to an already intense and rising grassroots tsunami that will wash away the haughty king in 2012 and restore the land to its rightful owner: we the people.
A wave of hope and change is on the way.
Thank G-d!
If the GOP is victorious--it will lend the final surge to an already intense and rising grassroots tsunami that will wash away the haughty king in 2012 and restore the land to its rightful owner: we the people.
A wave of hope and change is on the way.
Friday, January 15, 2010
No, No, No, And No: How Does That Grab You?
The following blog was written by Audrey Russo. Audrey's poignant and substantive work on the Middle East can be read at she is the Managing Editor.
No, No, No, And No: How Does That Grab You?
Question: How many times does Israeli PM 'Bibi' Netanyahu have to say No, before he is heard?
Answer: Interminably.
This past Tuesday, Bibi again had to say, unequivocally, NO to inequitable Arab demands upon his tiny nation. The PM stated that Israel would never surrender any part of Jerusalem to the 'Palestinians', nor would it return to the pre-1967 borders. He was compelled to respond to statements made by Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Aboul Gheit, in which he informed various Mediterranean foreign ministers that the Israeli PM had eased his positions.
Interesting...the Arabs are somewhat like liberals...when confronted with truth, they only hear what they want to hear...which never amounts to truth...
Allow me to restate what Bibi has said, on many occasions...just in case it needs reiteration:
NO to a divided Jerusalem.
NO to pre-1967 borders.
NO to any true peace talks until complete cessation of violence toward Israeli citizens.
NO surrender of the Golan Heights.
So, to Ahmed, Mahmoud and their ignominious ilk...the answer to all your questions and demands is: No, No, No, and does that grab you?
Well, in the words of that great philosopher, Mick Jagger, "You can't always get what you want."
Shalom through strength...
No, No, No, And No: How Does That Grab You?
Question: How many times does Israeli PM 'Bibi' Netanyahu have to say No, before he is heard?
Answer: Interminably.
This past Tuesday, Bibi again had to say, unequivocally, NO to inequitable Arab demands upon his tiny nation. The PM stated that Israel would never surrender any part of Jerusalem to the 'Palestinians', nor would it return to the pre-1967 borders. He was compelled to respond to statements made by Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Aboul Gheit, in which he informed various Mediterranean foreign ministers that the Israeli PM had eased his positions.
Interesting...the Arabs are somewhat like liberals...when confronted with truth, they only hear what they want to hear...which never amounts to truth...
Allow me to restate what Bibi has said, on many occasions...just in case it needs reiteration:
NO to a divided Jerusalem.
NO to pre-1967 borders.
NO to any true peace talks until complete cessation of violence toward Israeli citizens.
NO surrender of the Golan Heights.
So, to Ahmed, Mahmoud and their ignominious ilk...the answer to all your questions and demands is: No, No, No, and does that grab you?
Well, in the words of that great philosopher, Mick Jagger, "You can't always get what you want."
Shalom through strength...
Thursday, January 14, 2010
"Prosecuting three Navy SEALs (for issuing a hyper-violent, Islamic terrorist a fat lip) is, without question--a despicable, if not treasonous course of action. Unfortunately, this is endemic of an administration that toils endlessly to make sure enemy combatants are afforded constitutional rights--while treating our heroes like fecal matter." ---Burgess Redding---
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Once again America's grit, determination, selflessness and (above all) unyielding magnanimity will be on display for all the world to see as it leads the humanitarian effort in earthquake ravaged Haiti.
And, as usual--such a herculean effort will do little to assuage the maniacal and slaughterous tyrants of the world who cling to their acerbic death-to-American dogma.
Well, there's only one thing to say about that: to hell with the bastards!
And, as usual--such a herculean effort will do little to assuage the maniacal and slaughterous tyrants of the world who cling to their acerbic death-to-American dogma.
Well, there's only one thing to say about that: to hell with the bastards!
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
"Any president who feverishly advocates the closing of Gitmo (an irrefutable font of information that has been highly instrumental in thwarting cataclysmic terror plots)--is not mentally fit to be Commander in Chief." ---Burgess Redding---
Monday, January 11, 2010
President Obama's recent bravado "...we will do whatever it takes to defeat them [al Qaeda]” is a total--not to mention blatant fabrication. Why? Because our commander in chief is still psychotically fixated on appeasing the global Islamic community. And the provable evidence to support this claim can be seen in his inept decision to not only close Gitmo--but to also bring 9/11 mastermind KSM to New York City for a show trial.
These acts of feckless appeasement are designed to present a softer and more conciliatory America to Muslims worldwide. But the chilling reality is--al Qaeda (and those that espouse bin Ladenism) not only views this as a sign of profound weakness--but also as a glaring lack of resolve.
And in the end--America will once again be seen as a paper tiger.
Mr. President: All the bravado in the world will never cover-up the tangible (not to mention troublesome) fact that you'd rather kiss a terrorist's tukis than blow it up.
And (unfortunately for us) al Qaeda knows it!
These acts of feckless appeasement are designed to present a softer and more conciliatory America to Muslims worldwide. But the chilling reality is--al Qaeda (and those that espouse bin Ladenism) not only views this as a sign of profound weakness--but also as a glaring lack of resolve.
And in the end--America will once again be seen as a paper tiger.
Mr. President: All the bravado in the world will never cover-up the tangible (not to mention troublesome) fact that you'd rather kiss a terrorist's tukis than blow it up.
And (unfortunately for us) al Qaeda knows it!
Friday, January 8, 2010
Iran's Wagging Its Finger, But It's Not The Index
The following blog was written by Audrey Russo. Audrey's poignant and substantive work on the Middle East can be read at she is the Managing Editor.
Iran's Wagging Its Finger, But It's Not The Index
Iran has a New Year's gift for their 'friends' in the West. No, it's not a basket of winter fruit, or even Champagne...but it kind of works well with their ultimatum about our interference with their nuclear program: They're wagging their finger at us...
But it's not their index finger this time...
Iran's government-funded TV reported that Tehran will hold a "large-scale military exercise" in February in order to prep its forces to deter an offensive by the country's enemies (that would be the West).
Nice job of intimidation, Barry...Ahmadinejad is shaking in his weenie boots, now isn't he...
The empty threats and interminable deadlines, by O and his feckless ilk, have emboldened the grotesque little Persian well as the cross-dressing clerics...into flipping us the bird (and it ain't the bird of paradise).
Iran's rationale for this: The US and Israel won't take military action off the table...wah, wah, wah...
No poop Poirot...and why the heck would we? That regime should have been toppled long ago. They are a menace far more pernicious than the Nazis for one distinct reason: A mushroom cloud.
So, Barry...if you're going to continue to bow, do it at the doctor's's time that you, rather than the American people, got the finger.
Shalom through strength...
Iran's Wagging Its Finger, But It's Not The Index
Iran has a New Year's gift for their 'friends' in the West. No, it's not a basket of winter fruit, or even Champagne...but it kind of works well with their ultimatum about our interference with their nuclear program: They're wagging their finger at us...
But it's not their index finger this time...
Iran's government-funded TV reported that Tehran will hold a "large-scale military exercise" in February in order to prep its forces to deter an offensive by the country's enemies (that would be the West).
Nice job of intimidation, Barry...Ahmadinejad is shaking in his weenie boots, now isn't he...
The empty threats and interminable deadlines, by O and his feckless ilk, have emboldened the grotesque little Persian well as the cross-dressing clerics...into flipping us the bird (and it ain't the bird of paradise).
Iran's rationale for this: The US and Israel won't take military action off the table...wah, wah, wah...
No poop Poirot...and why the heck would we? That regime should have been toppled long ago. They are a menace far more pernicious than the Nazis for one distinct reason: A mushroom cloud.
So, Barry...if you're going to continue to bow, do it at the doctor's's time that you, rather than the American people, got the finger.
Shalom through strength...
Thursday, January 7, 2010
"The notion that Gitmo should be done away with because it is despised by the Muslim World is absurd. The Muslim World also despises our relationship with Israel, Great Britain and Australia, not to mention the fact that it also despises our Navy and Air Force. Should we do away with these, too? In a word: No! That is why I have decided to keep Gitmo open for business." ----President A. Pair----
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
What seems to have gone unnoticed by the major media is the following: President Obama's endless overtures to the Islamic World have failed! From his YouTube suck-up to the Iranian regime to his apology laced speech in front of the Turkish Parliament to announcing the closing of Gitmo to moving KSM's trial to New York City--jihadist are still on a slay-the-infidel quest.
In fact, December of 2009 was the bloodiest month for US troops since the war in Afghanistan started. Furthermore, over 1/3 of all terrorist attacks--committed by Islamic jihadists worldwide since 9/11--have occurred on Obama's watch.
Apparently, sucking-up to the Islamic World has done nothing to change an ancient and clearly barbaric religion that compells its followers to kill, kill, kill!!!
In fact, December of 2009 was the bloodiest month for US troops since the war in Afghanistan started. Furthermore, over 1/3 of all terrorist attacks--committed by Islamic jihadists worldwide since 9/11--have occurred on Obama's watch.
Apparently, sucking-up to the Islamic World has done nothing to change an ancient and clearly barbaric religion that compells its followers to kill, kill, kill!!!
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
"The first hurdle we must conquer (in order to win the War on Terror) is political correctness." ---Burgess Redding---
The first issue concerning airline safety should be the following: Flying with an American carrier is a privilege--not a right. Therefore--any individual who hails from a country that sponsors Islamic terrorism (Iran, Saudi Arabia, Syria, etc.), or even appears on the government's Watch List--should automatically lose this privilege.
The implementation of such a regulation would greatly reduce the probability of an airliner being blown to bits over a major US city. But, unfortunately, the first hurdle to get over (concerning even a debate over the above-mentioned pragmatism) is Political Correctness.
Good luck!
The implementation of such a regulation would greatly reduce the probability of an airliner being blown to bits over a major US city. But, unfortunately, the first hurdle to get over (concerning even a debate over the above-mentioned pragmatism) is Political Correctness.
Good luck!
Monday, January 4, 2010
President Barack Obama's decision (due to al Qaeda threats) to close the US embassy in Yemen is yet another victory for the Wahhabi terror organization. An organization that already views Obama as a weak (if not pusillanimous) commander in chief.
From stridently condemning waterboarding to announcing the closing of Gitmo to moving KSM's trial to New York City--Obama has demonstrated (to those who zealously plot our destruction) that he is far more interested in world opinion than fighting a war on terror.
Tragically, President Obama's feckless decisions are based on the absurd notion that a kinder and gentler America will bring the entire world (including al Qaeda) to a kumbyha moment.
Unfortunately for America--this notion will prove fatal.
From stridently condemning waterboarding to announcing the closing of Gitmo to moving KSM's trial to New York City--Obama has demonstrated (to those who zealously plot our destruction) that he is far more interested in world opinion than fighting a war on terror.
Tragically, President Obama's feckless decisions are based on the absurd notion that a kinder and gentler America will bring the entire world (including al Qaeda) to a kumbyha moment.
Unfortunately for America--this notion will prove fatal.
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