Western leaders who tenaciously advocate land for peace (as a viable tool to end the Israeli/Palestinian conflict) are suffering from terminal naivete. The Islamic doctrine Waaf, which states once Islamic territory, also Islamic territory--stands as a belligerent bulwark against any lasting peace accord.
And as a result of this doctrine--Palestinians believe (wrongly, of course) that all of Israel belongs to them. That is why the PLO, Hamas and Fatah charters deny Israel's very right to exist by calling for its brutal extermination.
Once again, truth explodes the liberal canard that Islam is a religion of peace and tolerance. In fact, Islam is the very reason we will never see peace in the Middle East.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
With the Islamic Republic of Iran ratcheting up its bellicosity and Afghanistan deteriorating at an alarming rate--President Obama has decided to fixate on the “irreversible catastrophe” of climate change. And, unquestionably--America's foes couldn't be more thrilled.
As Obama muses over the deleterious effects cow farts have on the environment, Tehran is plotting its nuclear incineration of Israel, while the Taliban resurrects its sharia-driven bloodbath on the outskirts of Kabul.
O's disquieting inability to correctly process foreign affairs has made him the most anemic (not to mention dangerous) president in US history. And, as a result--American sovereignty teeters on the very brink extinction.
Our foes have found their useful idiot--and his name is not Bush.
As Obama muses over the deleterious effects cow farts have on the environment, Tehran is plotting its nuclear incineration of Israel, while the Taliban resurrects its sharia-driven bloodbath on the outskirts of Kabul.
O's disquieting inability to correctly process foreign affairs has made him the most anemic (not to mention dangerous) president in US history. And, as a result--American sovereignty teeters on the very brink extinction.
Our foes have found their useful idiot--and his name is not Bush.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Endless diplomacy is the opiate of cowards, chumps and those that reside in the deadly recesses of denial. While Iran races towards nuclear capability--Western leaders continue to use failed diplomatic stratagems in an attempt to mollify a ruthlessly barbaric regime.
In the real world, the Islamic Republic of Iran will not be deterred from their anti-Semitic machination (mushroom cloud over Jerusalem) by mere olive branches and lofty overtures. The Tyrants of Tehran must be read the riot act: Either comply--or face the wrath of military action.
What is needed today--in the face of such ominousness--is not another "peace in our time" diplomatic moment, but rather clear and decisive action that will (once and for all) eradicate this looming threat.
In the real world, the Islamic Republic of Iran will not be deterred from their anti-Semitic machination (mushroom cloud over Jerusalem) by mere olive branches and lofty overtures. The Tyrants of Tehran must be read the riot act: Either comply--or face the wrath of military action.
What is needed today--in the face of such ominousness--is not another "peace in our time" diplomatic moment, but rather clear and decisive action that will (once and for all) eradicate this looming threat.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Clearly--the new leader of the Free World is Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. His truthful and courageous excoriation of the Iranian regime (during his speech to the UN General Assembly earlier this week) has made him the unambiguous icon of those who hold freedom sacred.
Netanyahu faced down the Islamic Republic when he stated "the greatest threat facing the world today is the marriage between religious fundamentalism and weapons of mass destruction." He also added that "the most urgent challenge facing this body is to prevent the tyrants of Tehran from acquiring nuclear weapons."
Unfortunately this is what President Obama should have said. But instead his speech to the UNGA was just a continuation of his America Sucks Tour.
Truth be told: The only thing that sucks is Obama.
Netanyahu faced down the Islamic Republic when he stated "the greatest threat facing the world today is the marriage between religious fundamentalism and weapons of mass destruction." He also added that "the most urgent challenge facing this body is to prevent the tyrants of Tehran from acquiring nuclear weapons."
Unfortunately this is what President Obama should have said. But instead his speech to the UNGA was just a continuation of his America Sucks Tour.
Truth be told: The only thing that sucks is Obama.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
The following blog was written by Audrey Russo. Audrey's poignant and substantive work on the Middle East can be read at http://www.ediblog.com/--where she is the Managing Editor.
Proof That Peanuts Are Not Brain Food
We are all familiar with the worst president of our time (so far)...Jimmy 'Dhimmi' Carter. His jugular pumps a shade of anti-Semitism most thought more endemic to Arabs. But Carter's case of anti-Jewitis is not isolated...
Jimmy's former national security adviser, Zbigniew Brzezinski (Zbig), says that the pro-Israel lobby in the US is too powerful and uses the media to shut down criticism and influence the government.
But there's more...he has also claimed that Hamas attacks on Sderot were not lethal, just annoying.
Annoying? Tell that to the families of the 15 people who have been killed by Qassam rockets lobbed upon innocent Israelis since attacks began in 2001...
(Hmm...just wondering if Zbig is sucking on Georgia goobers like his former boss...)
And here's a big 'surprise'...Obama has made Zbig an advisor and has praised him as "someone I have learned an immense amount from", and "one of our most outstanding scholars and thinkers."
Well, now that further clarifies the origin of O's anti-Semitic mind-set, a long history of O allying himself with anti-Israel buddies (i.e. Rev. Wright, Father Pfleger, Louis Farrakhan, etc.).
Are peanuts the new 'jelly belly' in O's office?
For the record...I do not hate peanuts OR peanut farmers...just the roasted Goober whose heart is so filled with disgust for the Jewish nation that he can't help spreading the hate around...through his books, his rhetorical spewage, his former cabinet members...and his terrorist support.
Proof positive that a constant diet of gobbling goobers will only kill your gray matter...
Shalom through strength...
Proof That Peanuts Are Not Brain Food
We are all familiar with the worst president of our time (so far)...Jimmy 'Dhimmi' Carter. His jugular pumps a shade of anti-Semitism most thought more endemic to Arabs. But Carter's case of anti-Jewitis is not isolated...
Jimmy's former national security adviser, Zbigniew Brzezinski (Zbig), says that the pro-Israel lobby in the US is too powerful and uses the media to shut down criticism and influence the government.
But there's more...he has also claimed that Hamas attacks on Sderot were not lethal, just annoying.
Annoying? Tell that to the families of the 15 people who have been killed by Qassam rockets lobbed upon innocent Israelis since attacks began in 2001...
(Hmm...just wondering if Zbig is sucking on Georgia goobers like his former boss...)
And here's a big 'surprise'...Obama has made Zbig an advisor and has praised him as "someone I have learned an immense amount from", and "one of our most outstanding scholars and thinkers."
Well, now that further clarifies the origin of O's anti-Semitic mind-set, a long history of O allying himself with anti-Israel buddies (i.e. Rev. Wright, Father Pfleger, Louis Farrakhan, etc.).
Are peanuts the new 'jelly belly' in O's office?
For the record...I do not hate peanuts OR peanut farmers...just the roasted Goober whose heart is so filled with disgust for the Jewish nation that he can't help spreading the hate around...through his books, his rhetorical spewage, his former cabinet members...and his terrorist support.
Proof positive that a constant diet of gobbling goobers will only kill your gray matter...
Shalom through strength...
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
President Barack Obama's speech today (before the UN General Assembly) was not only a pathetic exercise in self-aggrandizement, but it was also a treasonous and disquieting repudiation of the Bush years.
By Obama stating to the world's most vile despots, tyrants, thugs and misfits (seated before him) that we engaged in torture--was beyond the outer realms of unbridled insanity. Imagine, categorizing spritzing (with tap water) the face of 9/11 architect Khalid Sheik Muhammad as torture in the very presence of bloodthirsty bastards who stone innocent women to death for showing a little ankle.
O, instead of spouting invective designed to degrade and belittle America--you should thank the heroes who labored steadfastly to keep us save over the last 8 years (including President Bush). But, alas--that would require the planet's number one narcissist to show a little humility.
By Obama stating to the world's most vile despots, tyrants, thugs and misfits (seated before him) that we engaged in torture--was beyond the outer realms of unbridled insanity. Imagine, categorizing spritzing (with tap water) the face of 9/11 architect Khalid Sheik Muhammad as torture in the very presence of bloodthirsty bastards who stone innocent women to death for showing a little ankle.
O, instead of spouting invective designed to degrade and belittle America--you should thank the heroes who labored steadfastly to keep us save over the last 8 years (including President Bush). But, alas--that would require the planet's number one narcissist to show a little humility.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Barack Obama (during the presidential campaign) profusely promised that he would fight to win the "good" war--Afghanistan. But now with commander of US forces in the region, Gen. Stanley McChrystal-stating the that conflict is winnable, but more troops are needed: Will the president buck his cut and run party and give the general what he needs to score a victory?
My surmise would be NO!
I believe Obama will eventually withdraw from Afghanistan (long before victory can be achieved)--not to assuage the likes of Pelosi, Reid or Murtha--but simply because war is completely antithetical to his leftist ideology (particularly if America is one the winning end).
O is of the implicit belief that lofty rhetoric can sooth the savage tyrant, and that waging war against him only deepens the world's mindset that America is a bloodthirsty hegemony.
History will record the following: President Obama cared more about world opinion than winning wars of necessity.
My surmise would be NO!
I believe Obama will eventually withdraw from Afghanistan (long before victory can be achieved)--not to assuage the likes of Pelosi, Reid or Murtha--but simply because war is completely antithetical to his leftist ideology (particularly if America is one the winning end).
O is of the implicit belief that lofty rhetoric can sooth the savage tyrant, and that waging war against him only deepens the world's mindset that America is a bloodthirsty hegemony.
History will record the following: President Obama cared more about world opinion than winning wars of necessity.
Monday, September 21, 2009
ACORN: Still Sucking The Lifeblood Out Of The Taxpayers
The following blog was written by Audrey Russo. Audrey's poignant and substantive work on the Middle East can be read at http://www.ediblog.com/--where she is the Managing Editor.
ACORN: Still Sucking The Lifeblood Out Of The Taxpayers
So, you think the Congress took ACORN's grimy digits out of your wallet? Think again...
The big announcement from Congress that they were voting to defund ACORN has a long journey before it is written in stone. Those votes were on amendments to different bills...and they're not seeing a presidential pen for some time...if ever.
In the meanwhile...ACORN is still eligible for beaucoup bucks...OUR bucks...BILLIONS of our bucks!
And, U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-MN, says, "don't think that the Democrats won't try to strip the ACORN language from whatever bill finally makes it to the White House."
She's spot on...ACORN was responsible, in part, for the democrat landslide this past election. The massive voter fraud, which they are still being indicted for in numerous states...contributed to the outcome. So...the Dems owe a wee bit to this cadre of cons...so they will, in all probability, create a wag-the-dog...and quietly rip the language out of the bills, like a pickpocket in a crowd of tourists in Times Square...
So, are citizens powerless? Far from it...there is way Americans can stop any further funding from going to ACORN immediately...and it will take unrelenting pressure upon Barack Obama...
It's called the Suspension and Debarment Program. Bachman explains, "The government debarment and suspension procedures are intended to prevent poor performance, waste, fraud and abuse in federal procurement and nonprocurement actions. Debarment or suspension of an organization, business or individual from doing business with the federal government is not meant to be a punishment, but a procedure to ensure that federally funded business is conducted legally with responsible persons."
(Wow...that could be applied to almost every subvention program the government runs...imagine the savings...!!!)
Halloween is just one month away...so why not be a haunt?! That's right...haunt the President and insist that he implement this program with his former trainees...so they can go back into their caves...and stop sucking the lifeblood out of the taxpayers...
If O does indeed implement this program...I, for one, will be grateful and say 'fangs a lot'! (Sorry, I couldn't resist.)
ACORN: Still Sucking The Lifeblood Out Of The Taxpayers
So, you think the Congress took ACORN's grimy digits out of your wallet? Think again...
The big announcement from Congress that they were voting to defund ACORN has a long journey before it is written in stone. Those votes were on amendments to different bills...and they're not seeing a presidential pen for some time...if ever.
In the meanwhile...ACORN is still eligible for beaucoup bucks...OUR bucks...BILLIONS of our bucks!
And, U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-MN, says, "don't think that the Democrats won't try to strip the ACORN language from whatever bill finally makes it to the White House."
She's spot on...ACORN was responsible, in part, for the democrat landslide this past election. The massive voter fraud, which they are still being indicted for in numerous states...contributed to the outcome. So...the Dems owe a wee bit to this cadre of cons...so they will, in all probability, create a wag-the-dog...and quietly rip the language out of the bills, like a pickpocket in a crowd of tourists in Times Square...
So, are citizens powerless? Far from it...there is way Americans can stop any further funding from going to ACORN immediately...and it will take unrelenting pressure upon Barack Obama...
It's called the Suspension and Debarment Program. Bachman explains, "The government debarment and suspension procedures are intended to prevent poor performance, waste, fraud and abuse in federal procurement and nonprocurement actions. Debarment or suspension of an organization, business or individual from doing business with the federal government is not meant to be a punishment, but a procedure to ensure that federally funded business is conducted legally with responsible persons."
(Wow...that could be applied to almost every subvention program the government runs...imagine the savings...!!!)
Halloween is just one month away...so why not be a haunt?! That's right...haunt the President and insist that he implement this program with his former trainees...so they can go back into their caves...and stop sucking the lifeblood out of the taxpayers...
If O does indeed implement this program...I, for one, will be grateful and say 'fangs a lot'! (Sorry, I couldn't resist.)
Friday, September 18, 2009
Clearly the most pernicious and lethal individual that dwells within our boarders is Nancy Pelosi. By assaulting the CIA with a battery of false accusations, the Speaker has made our nation susceptible to attacks that would make 9/11 look like a fender bender.
Her ballistic binge has cause many experienced agents and operatives to flee the agency, leaving it totally void of the seasoned veterans that have played a key role in keeping us save over the past 8 years. And those that do remain will most certainly ponder the question: Should I risk my live for a turncoat government?
Unfortunately, the first female Speaker of the House has also turned out to America's most deadly domestic terrorist!
Her ballistic binge has cause many experienced agents and operatives to flee the agency, leaving it totally void of the seasoned veterans that have played a key role in keeping us save over the past 8 years. And those that do remain will most certainly ponder the question: Should I risk my live for a turncoat government?
Unfortunately, the first female Speaker of the House has also turned out to America's most deadly domestic terrorist!
Thursday, September 17, 2009
The level of mendacity is towering! Imagine--politicos like Obama, Pelosi and Dodd telling us that illegals will not be entitled to ObamaCare.
Truth be told--irrespective of which bill finally passes: Medical officials will not be allowed to question the legal status of any individual applying for government health care. This, of course--follows the caustic paradigm (federal law) that is now in play concerning emergency room treatment (which is bankrupting hospitals across the country).
Joe Wilson was correct: You lie!
Truth be told--irrespective of which bill finally passes: Medical officials will not be allowed to question the legal status of any individual applying for government health care. This, of course--follows the caustic paradigm (federal law) that is now in play concerning emergency room treatment (which is bankrupting hospitals across the country).
Joe Wilson was correct: You lie!
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
With Obama's spinelessness--and Europe's hyper-fear of offending Islam: Is it any wonder that Iran is marching (unimpeded) towards a deployable nuclear weapon?
With more talks slated for October (between the EU and Tehran), just expect the Islamic Republic to use the gabfest as yet another diversion while it contrives to construct a nuclear bomb.
Time is running out on this most ominous situation--and the only sound we hear from the West is that of quivering lips kissing Persian cheeks!
With more talks slated for October (between the EU and Tehran), just expect the Islamic Republic to use the gabfest as yet another diversion while it contrives to construct a nuclear bomb.
Time is running out on this most ominous situation--and the only sound we hear from the West is that of quivering lips kissing Persian cheeks!
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Once you slice through all the rhetorical refuse (BS) proffered by Speaker Pelosi (in defense of pathological tax cheat Charlie Rangel)--you can only draw one viable conclusion as to why the congressman still chairs the all powerful House Ways and Means Committee: Because he is BLACK!
Let's get real: Pelosi knows if she forced Rangel to step down, she would incur the wrath of every race-baiter that litters our political landscape. From Jackson to Sharpton to certain members of the Congressional Black Cuacus--the level of shrill would be nothing short of unbearable.
Once again the race-card trumps all, even to the great detriment of every American.
Let's get real: Pelosi knows if she forced Rangel to step down, she would incur the wrath of every race-baiter that litters our political landscape. From Jackson to Sharpton to certain members of the Congressional Black Cuacus--the level of shrill would be nothing short of unbearable.
Once again the race-card trumps all, even to the great detriment of every American.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Let's not mince words: The most appalling aspect of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's visit to the UN (later this month) is the incontestable fact that he has American blood on his hands.
Iranian made explosive devices, which have maimed and killed scores of US troops in Iraq--were discovered in Mesopotamia several years ago. Not to mention the fact that Iran's proxies Hezbollah and the Revolutionary Guard were deployed to the region to create bloody mayhem.
It is these egregious details that should prompt our Commander in Chief to sternly oppose this rat bastard's feet from ever touching-down on our precious soil. But I suspect that when MA's plane does land--Obama will be there to greet him with butt-ready lips!
Iranian made explosive devices, which have maimed and killed scores of US troops in Iraq--were discovered in Mesopotamia several years ago. Not to mention the fact that Iran's proxies Hezbollah and the Revolutionary Guard were deployed to the region to create bloody mayhem.
It is these egregious details that should prompt our Commander in Chief to sternly oppose this rat bastard's feet from ever touching-down on our precious soil. But I suspect that when MA's plane does land--Obama will be there to greet him with butt-ready lips!
Friday, September 11, 2009
Thursday, September 10, 2009
BiBi...Ignore...Lock And Load
The following blog was written by Audrey Russo. Audrey's poignant and substantive work on the Middle East can be read at http://www.ediblog.com/--where she is the Managing Editor.
BiBi...Ignore...Lock And Load
Those of us who are up to snuff on the activities of the former Persian empire know we are now down to the wire...
Neither the EU nor the US (with O at the helm) will do squat about the Persian petards planned for Israel or the 'Great Satan' (us)...so with all Israeli PM Binyamin "BiBi" Netanyahu has on his plate (i.e. being surrounded by seething 'neighbors', etc.), I believe he needs to do two things:
1. Ignore the delays and blather of the world community, who care nothing for the survival of the Jewish State.
2. Lock and Load.
BiBi...No world leader will assist you. No world leader will vocally support you. All world leaders will condemn you when your crucial work is done. But freedom-loving souls, globally, will salute you...as they collectively breathe a sigh of relief.
Because in the current milieu of craven narcissists and arrogant autocrats...there will only be...
Shalom through strength...
BiBi...Ignore...Lock And Load
Those of us who are up to snuff on the activities of the former Persian empire know we are now down to the wire...
Neither the EU nor the US (with O at the helm) will do squat about the Persian petards planned for Israel or the 'Great Satan' (us)...so with all Israeli PM Binyamin "BiBi" Netanyahu has on his plate (i.e. being surrounded by seething 'neighbors', etc.), I believe he needs to do two things:
1. Ignore the delays and blather of the world community, who care nothing for the survival of the Jewish State.
2. Lock and Load.
BiBi...No world leader will assist you. No world leader will vocally support you. All world leaders will condemn you when your crucial work is done. But freedom-loving souls, globally, will salute you...as they collectively breathe a sigh of relief.
Because in the current milieu of craven narcissists and arrogant autocrats...there will only be...
Shalom through strength...
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Let's get one thing straight: 9/11 is a day of remembrance--not a call to service!
So, Mr. President--please stop using this date as a rallying cry to implore young people to serve their communities via ACORN, or some other hyper-radical, left-wing organization.
In short: Do not use 9/11 as a tool to spread your Euro-socialistic agenda. Because (by doing so) you stridently assault truth, justice and the American way.
So, Mr. President--please stop using this date as a rallying cry to implore young people to serve their communities via ACORN, or some other hyper-radical, left-wing organization.
In short: Do not use 9/11 as a tool to spread your Euro-socialistic agenda. Because (by doing so) you stridently assault truth, justice and the American way.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Allow me to understand the following: Dare oppose ObamaCare and you will be labeled a racist, bigot and hate-monger.
So, upon being threatened with such virulent and toxic labels--those who oppose are expected to fall silent (capitulate) and just allow Obama to implement socialized medicine? Which--by the way--would make us all serfs in his kingdom of Hope and Change.
Well, just call me a racist.
So, upon being threatened with such virulent and toxic labels--those who oppose are expected to fall silent (capitulate) and just allow Obama to implement socialized medicine? Which--by the way--would make us all serfs in his kingdom of Hope and Change.
Well, just call me a racist.
Monday, September 7, 2009
While the neutered (think Obama and his acolytes) continue to preach the immorality of waterboarding, the left-leaning Washington Post recently ran a story that explicitly detailed how 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheik Mohammed's intractability was eventually shattered by the so-called controversial interrogation technique.
And, as a result--KSM revealed myriad terror plots that were to be executed on US soil--which also included an attack on the Brooklyn Bridge.
Only those that lack a pair would deem it immoral to splash water in the face of a mass murderer in order to save thousands (if not millions) of innocent American lives.
Neutered, indeed!
And, as a result--KSM revealed myriad terror plots that were to be executed on US soil--which also included an attack on the Brooklyn Bridge.
Only those that lack a pair would deem it immoral to splash water in the face of a mass murderer in order to save thousands (if not millions) of innocent American lives.
Neutered, indeed!
Saturday, September 5, 2009
We as a nation must be very cognizant of the following: While the weak, naive and mentally challenged (those in congress) among us publicly demonstrate their hyper-disdain for spraying Khalid Sheik Mohamed in the face with a garden hose--Islamo-thugs continue to mutilate, torch and behead the innocent while shouting "praise be to Allah and death to America."
When will we ever learn?
When will we ever learn?
Thursday, September 3, 2009
It's become glaringly obvious that even a self-proclaimed Messiah like Obama (gifted with an uncanny ability to read a teleprompter) cannot persuade an informed, not to mention fired-up electorate to embrace socialized medicine.
The people have spoken--and thus rejected the king's attempt to usher in serfdom.
Long live the people!
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
The very thought that our commander-in-chief would prosecute the intrepid warriors that extracted lifesaving information from 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheik Mohamed is beyond insane. In fact, I dare say: It is outright treason!
Most clear minded Americans are of the belief that (if need be) in order to procure vital info from a KSM type--the inch by inch removal of a particular male organ is totally acceptable.
This might not sit well with O and his flock of squeamish pansies, but we the people know that in order to halt the propagation of pure evil--righteous violence is permissible.
Most clear minded Americans are of the belief that (if need be) in order to procure vital info from a KSM type--the inch by inch removal of a particular male organ is totally acceptable.
This might not sit well with O and his flock of squeamish pansies, but we the people know that in order to halt the propagation of pure evil--righteous violence is permissible.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
During the presidential campaign Barack H. Obama (as well as all Democrats) referred to Afghanistan as the "good" war. In fact, Obama ardently declared that Iraq was nothing more than a feckless distraction that took our nation's "eyes" off the ball and away from the individuals that perpetrated 9/11.
But now that the anointed one is commander-in-chief, it appears that such strident ardency has diminished. No longer does O (or his fellow Dems) talk about the importance of Afghanistan. And on such rare occasions--when it is discussed--the terminology is disturbingly vague, with no clear cut combat strategy propounded.
Clearly Obama (and his party of seething jackasses) used Afghanistan for purely political reasons in order to demonize the Bush Administration over the Iraq war.
Bastards, all!
But now that the anointed one is commander-in-chief, it appears that such strident ardency has diminished. No longer does O (or his fellow Dems) talk about the importance of Afghanistan. And on such rare occasions--when it is discussed--the terminology is disturbingly vague, with no clear cut combat strategy propounded.
Clearly Obama (and his party of seething jackasses) used Afghanistan for purely political reasons in order to demonize the Bush Administration over the Iraq war.
Bastards, all!
In Iran: Nuclear Is To Peaceful, Like Women Are To Freedom
The following blog was written by Audrey Russo. Audrey's poignant and substantive work on the Middle East can be read at http://www.ediblog.com/--where she is the Managing Editor.
In Iran: Nuclear Is To Peaceful, Like Women Are To Freedom
OK...it's official...the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) are either diabolical liars, as naive as the day is long on June 21st in Fairbanks, AK...or incredibly stupid.
Hmmm, quite a menu...
On August 28th, the IAEA released their findings that Iran had decreased its expansion of uranium enrichment, but added that charges that Tehran had studied how to build atom bombs appeared credible.
And so the news is...????
Those that are able to see that Iran has never decelerated their march toward nuclear weaponization, know that the Mullahs have taken advantage of every scintilla of every opportunity the incredibly stupid have afforded them...and they WILL accomplish their nuclear goals...
Iranian news agency, Fars, reported that Iran's emissary to IAEA Ali Asghar Soltanieh stated that, "Iran's nuclear activities are peaceful." Soltanieh continued concerning the report, "It shows Iran has continued its cooperation with the agency ... but at the same time will not accept any political pressure to take measures beyond its legal commitments."
Interpretation..."you are free to look this far, and no further."
And Iran continues it's proclamation that they have no designs on a nuclear weapon.
It's unequivocal what Iran is doing with these 'extensions'...making plans...building dreams...stirring their caldron of machinations against the West.
These constant delays, gullible reports and paltering proclamations are providing the enemies of freedom the time necessary...to make our nightmares come true.
Iran, when questioned, always declares that women are free under their regime. We know this is NOT the truth. They also declare that they have peaceful nuclear purposes for their uranium enrichment activities...what do YOU think is the truth?
Shalom through strength...
In Iran: Nuclear Is To Peaceful, Like Women Are To Freedom
OK...it's official...the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) are either diabolical liars, as naive as the day is long on June 21st in Fairbanks, AK...or incredibly stupid.
Hmmm, quite a menu...
On August 28th, the IAEA released their findings that Iran had decreased its expansion of uranium enrichment, but added that charges that Tehran had studied how to build atom bombs appeared credible.
And so the news is...????
Those that are able to see that Iran has never decelerated their march toward nuclear weaponization, know that the Mullahs have taken advantage of every scintilla of every opportunity the incredibly stupid have afforded them...and they WILL accomplish their nuclear goals...
Iranian news agency, Fars, reported that Iran's emissary to IAEA Ali Asghar Soltanieh stated that, "Iran's nuclear activities are peaceful." Soltanieh continued concerning the report, "It shows Iran has continued its cooperation with the agency ... but at the same time will not accept any political pressure to take measures beyond its legal commitments."
Interpretation..."you are free to look this far, and no further."
And Iran continues it's proclamation that they have no designs on a nuclear weapon.
It's unequivocal what Iran is doing with these 'extensions'...making plans...building dreams...stirring their caldron of machinations against the West.
These constant delays, gullible reports and paltering proclamations are providing the enemies of freedom the time necessary...to make our nightmares come true.
Iran, when questioned, always declares that women are free under their regime. We know this is NOT the truth. They also declare that they have peaceful nuclear purposes for their uranium enrichment activities...what do YOU think is the truth?
Shalom through strength...
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