Friday, July 31, 2009
No-Brainer: Syrian-Israel Talks = Al Qaeda-US Talks
No-Brainer: Syrian-Israel Talks = Al Qaeda-US Talks
As the slow-learner, O, begins pulling back all his stringent rhetoric toward the Jewish State, he is fecklessly sending his minions to prove to the world...he still doesn't get it...
Special Middle East envoy, George Mitchell, stopped off in Damascus prior to joining O's emissaries in Israel this week. Why, you ask? Well, he was exploring the possible resumption of Syrian-Israel talks.
Imagine that...talks with Syria, a country that has been on the U.S. State Department's list of terror-sponsoring countries since 1979. Now whatever O is sucking into his anterior orifice is apparently causing a wee bit of a psychotic break...
Just a few facts about Syria...they harbor, give financial aid, political support, artillery and military training to terrorist organizations, including Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, Hezbollah and other extremist groups whose objective is to annihilate Israel and terrorize innocent Israeli citizens.
And, may I stress further that, Hezbollah is the group that was responsible for, among several attacks on US citizens: Killing 241 Marines, as they slept, in 1983. They were in Beirut as peace keepers.
So, what has possessed this administration? Are they so cold-hearted that they would even consider any talks whatsoever, with a country that loathes us, and our friends, so fiercely? (Oh how I wish Patton were still alive because someone ought to slap O's face for dishonoring our fallen heroes by desiring talks with these murderous goons.)
Should we talk with Al Qaeda? (OK, O would say, of course...but it's a rhetorical question.) Talking with, or worse, asking Israel to talk with these sand rodents makes about as much sense.
It really IS a no-brainer...
Shalom through strength...
Thursday, July 30, 2009
If I added watermelon to the mix, would Al Sharpton demand my head on a silver platter?
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Conservative? Hardly.
Truth be told: If this gaggle desires to salvage even a modicum of honor--it must vote no on ObamaCare. If not--history will remember this period as the day of the Blue Dog Bastards.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
They'll Blame Us Anyway, So Let's Say Mazel Tov
They'll Blame Us Anyway, So Let's Say Mazel Tov
Obama, and his crew, didn't "meddle" with Iran during the protests that followed the sham election because they had trepidation that Iran would blame the US for the protests. O said nothing to support those who longed for freedom and...the Mullahs blamed us anyway...
The bottom line is...the Muslim world will always blame us no matter, O, 86 the concerns and do what is RIGHT, for a 'change'...
Why? Here are a few reasons...
Israel is our one and only friend in the Middle East.
Over 200,000 Americans live in Israel.
We have obtained crucial Intel from Israel in fighting Islamic terrorism.
Israel is the ONLY fully functioning democracy in the region.
The Islamic world sees Israel as the 'Little Satan' and the US as the 'Great Satan'. They believe we are in control and dictate or concur with Israel's movements. They will blame us's stop this moronic game and give Israel our blessing...
If Israel deems it necessary to take out Iran's nuclear facilities, then so be it. Because be sure of this...they START with the 'Little' one...and end with the 'Great' one.
The feeblest of minds can follow the I know O is so proud of his GPA at Harvard, that he's barred his academic records from being released...but I believe even a 'genius' like O can follow this one...
It's time to say "Mazel Tov" to our faithful friends...and put an end to the blather of this keffiyeh-clad nuclear gadfly.
Shalom through strength...and Mazel Tov, Israel...Libi holech imcha (my heart is with you)!
Monday, July 27, 2009
And politicians are actually affronted when the American people squawk that Washington is nothing more than a huge crapper loaded with the most venal, mentally vacant and ignominious turds in the country?
Puhleeez !!! Only a sh**head would cast a vote for a bill he hasn't fully read.
Time to flush the crapper.
Yes, it does present a "teachable" moment. But, unfortunately--Obama (due to stratospheric hubris) is unteachable. It is impossible to teach a Me Monster like Obama that meddling in local issues is in direct contravention of the tenets, principles and charter of the POTUS.
Hail to the Arrogant One!!!
Sunday, July 26, 2009
So, let me get this straight: We are going to "reform" (liberal euphemism for socialized medicine) our entire health care system just because 5% of Americans are uninsured?
If we allow this to happen--we must be comatose. (A medical condition, by the way-- that is not
covered under ObamaCare.)
Friday, July 24, 2009
Please, save the CCM!!!
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Barack H. Obama: Master of Mendacity
While campaigning to be Commander-in-Chief, Barack H. Obama explicitly stated that he would not allow Iran to build a nuclear weapon. Was he telling the truth?
Well, according to a recent statement issued by Secretary of State Clinton--Obama was telling anything but the truth. While speaking on Thai television, Clinton said the following: "If the U.S. extends a defense umbrella over the region, if we do even more to support the military capacity of those in the Gulf, it's unlikely that Iran will be any stronger or safer because they won't be able to intimidate and dominate as they apparently believe they can once they have a nuclear weapon."
Manifestly the Administration has already ceded to the fact that the Islamic Republic will eventually have a nuclear weapon. By doing so, Obama has openly flouted the trust of the American people. He promised safety and security, but instead--has delivered danger and retreat.
Barack H. Obama: Master of Mendacity.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
While campaigning, Obama superciliously declared that he would reform health care in America. In fact--O staked his entire presidency on it. He made it very clear that he would rather resign than allow the sluggards in Washington to stall, delay or shun this most crucial and lifesaving legislation.
Ironically, it seems that members of his own party (Blue Dog Democrats) are diametrically opposed to Obama's attempt to usher in socialized medicine. These conservative Dems are
rabidly opposed to this Marxist/Alinsky machination which is explicitly designed to allow government to micromanage our lives.
As a result--Obama will be defeated on the political battlefield. And will most certainly be flushed into the shit-hole of history.
Monday, July 20, 2009
Hey, Obama: WAKE THE HELL UP!!!
This unleashing would have devastating corollaries, not only in the Middle East--but globally.
These Islamo-terror organizations (as their records explicitly indicate) have demonstrated an unyielding propensity to inflict enormous pain and suffering on the innocent.
Hey, Obama: WAKE THE HELL UP!!!
Sunday, July 19, 2009
This disquieting fact is demonstrable evidence that America is in great peril. And such peril is produced when a nation of laws, not of men--is being run by a self-proclaimed king.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
No PC bull. No liberal tripe. Just the unvarnished truth about the relgion of 'peace' and 'tolerance'.
Click and watch!!!
As Commander-in-Chief, one would expect him to have nothing but great disdain and scorn for a regime that has American blood on its hands. But, alas--we are talking about a man whose towering ego (and agenda) obscures even the most rigid facts.
I believe this to be Obama's most intolerable transgression. It not only diminishes America's superpower status--but it also affronts the very sensibilities of every military family who has lost a loved one in Iraq (via Iranian meddling).
Friday, July 17, 2009
Wikan even had the temerity to suggested that all Norwegian women wear veils in order to assuage Muslim males who believe (according to Islamic doctrine) that an uncovered women is a vile affront.
This disquieting episode (once again) underscores the failure of modern feminism to address the misogynistic practices that are so endemic of Islam.
An alarming acquiescence.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
against wealthy, white devils.
Of course, this is the redistribution of wealth on steroids.
Rumor has it that Wright wants to jettison the name Obamacare in favor of Crackercare.
You can't make this stuff up!!!
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
The record clearly indicates that she has used the term in at least five speeches, which demonstrates it was a premeditated racial salvo. Although Senator Jeff Sessions was pointedly dogmatic with the nominee over the issue--it would still be refreshing to hear a Republican call her exactly what she is: A liar!!!
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Correct me if I'm wrong: But aren't we supposed to kill the enemy?
a female homicide-bomber who killed 37 civilians (including 12 children) during a hijacking in Israel 31 years ago?
When will the politicos finally get it? It has never been about land for peace, but the the total eradication of the Jewish State.
Monday, July 13, 2009
This blog is designed to be a blistering (yet substantive) polemic against the cowardice forces of liberalism. It will defiantly shine a laser beam on the current administration's endless and treacherous attempts (in order to appease Islamo-dictators) to draw a moral equivalence between America and Iran, Israel and the Palestinians, etc.
It will also address the administrations rabidly left-wing, domestic policies--which are calculated to usher in a suffocating, Euro-style socialism.
The Obama Administration's hectoring of Israel (to cease settlement growth) plays into the Palestinian machination of a "Jew-free" Middle East. Despite O's striking naïveté, the Palestinians still operate according to the PLO creed: Israel must be driven into the sea.
Obama explicitly decreed that he would transcend race, but by selecting Sotomayor (a racial dogmatist) he has once again demonstrated his rabid adherence to Rev. Wright's school of Theological Racial Identity.
When the rhetorical dust settles--Republicans cannot vote to confirm a nominee that has decidedly articulated an adoration for Judicial Empathy. It is their duty to uphold and protect The Constitution, not grant President Obama his wishes.
Obama holds the worldview that preemption is the kneejerk reaction of a crass, hegemonic power (America) that seeks to bully the world. And that is why he sweet-talks Tehran, rather than acting like a competent Commander in Chief. History will judge this tactic as a lethal failure.
The election of Barack H. Obama speaks to the mind-numbing shallowness of our culture. A culture, by and large--that is preoccupied with celebrity over substance. Demonstrable evidence that nihilism is devouring our society at an alarming rate.