Wednesday, December 30, 2009


2009 will surely be remembered as the Year of Arrogance. A year in which a self-absorbed, narcissistic, me-monster-of-a-president (despite the polls) insisted that America--via nationalized health care--be recreated in his own image.

This type of horrid arrogance is endemic of dictators, egomaniacs and left-wing radicals. And, unfortunately--for we the people: President Obama happens to be all three.

Here's hoping for a better New Year!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009


The recent attempt (by a devout Muslim terrorist) to bring down Delta-Northwest Flight 253 begs the question: Where were the Federal Air Marshalls?

Given the fact that Amsterdam’s Schipol airport is notorious for its lax security--it should have been a safety imperative that our marshalls be on that flight.This is yet another piece of demonstrable (not to mention disturbing) evidence that the Obama Administration does not take the War on Terror seriously.

Perhaps the Administration should spend more time protecting Americans from the very palpable threat of Islamic terrorism than from the imaginary danger cow flatulence poses to the environment.

Monday, December 28, 2009


President Obama's tickle the enemy (with an olive branch) approach to combating Islamic-terrorism will only further invite more jihadists--like the one that attempted to blow up a flight over Detroit--to incinerate scores of innocent Americans.

Obama's refusal to use the term War on Terror is based on his sycophantic desire to appease the Islamic World. But it is this type of slavish appeasement that will only serve to energize the Hounds of Allah to slay the Great Satan.

History explicity demonstrates that there is one thing (and one thing only) the Islamic World respects: A leader who exhibits strength. And right now--the Islamic World is laughing its ass off!

Friday, December 25, 2009


Unto us a child is born, unto us a Son is given...And His name will be....Everlasting Father

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Wednesday, December 23, 2009


"I have decided--after looking Vladimir Putin in the eye and getting a sense of his soul--that missile defense in Poland and the Czech Republic are vitally necessary. Not only as a deterrent against an ever belligerent Iran, but also as a measure of protection against an increasingly arrogant, defiant and aggressive Russia." ---President A. Pair---

Tuesday, December 22, 2009


As we conservatives battle the corrosive effects of political correctness (including its most notorious manifestation--historical revisionism) let us never forget that America did not invent slavery, but instead was born into a world where this deleterious practice was the norm.

In fact, during our country's nascent stage--it was the Islamic world that owned and operated a majority of the world's slave trade. Muslim regimes were well known for their endless inventory of human cattle to choose from.

Sadly enough--slavery continues to this day in many Muslim nations such as war torn Sudan. Yet the only apologies we seem to hear are from a neutered commander in chief who feels it is his moral obligation and duty to kiss Islamic ass.

Monday, December 21, 2009


With President Obama exhibiting a disquieting lack of leadership on the issue of Iranian proliferation--look for Israel to boldly take the lead. Faced with only two available options (military action or a nuclear armed Tehran)--the Jewish State will most certainly flex its military muscle by striking the Islamic Republic's nuclear facilities.

And in the end, the world (reluctantly of course) will once again thank Israel for preventing a bloodthirsty, hyper-homicidal Islamic regime from going nuclear.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Precondition? Fagetaboutit...

The following blog was written by Audrey Russo. Audrey's poignant and substantive work on the Middle East can be read at she is the Managing Editor.

Precondition? Fagetaboutit...

'Palestinian' President Mahmoud Abbas ordered Tuesday that the international community recognize the 1967 borders as the borders of a new 'Palestinian' state. And that's not all...he stated that this was a precondition for the recommencement of peace talks with Israel.

Um...yeah right...

Why not throw in 'and Israelis roll over and play dead' while you're at it.

Not happening, Mahmoud...this would leave Israel indefensible. It would leave Israel barely 9 miles wide at its frail midsection. Just where the Arab world would love them to be.

The West cannot allow such a do so would permit massive casualties of innocent Israeli civilians.

For we would be as Macbeth...with a blood stain that can never be washed out.

Shalom through strength...

Thursday, December 17, 2009


Wouldn't it be grand if Western Civilization displayed the same passion for eradicating Islamo-terrorism as it does for eliminating so-called lethal emissions (such as cow farts) that contribute to global warming?

By the way--the last time I checked--it wasn't a bovine blast that killed 3,000 Americans on 9/11--but rather 19 thugs who followed the ancient Islamic creed: Death to the infidels.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


"My administration will not be guided by the dictates of political correctness, that is why have I have ordered my military commanders to eliminate [blow-up] any mosque or minaret that is being used by insurgents as a fort, command center, weapons depot, sniper's perch, etc." ---President A. Pair---

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


The pending prosecution of three Navy SEALs--who apprehended Islamo-thug Ahmed Hashim Abed--is an egregious tragedy. Imagine, US military commanders (not to mention a gaggle of American lawyers) taking the word of a truculent and savage al Qaeda operative over the testimony of men who willingly risk live and limb for our great nation.

Not only has this cataclysm fomented disgust and disbelief among most Americans, but it will most certainly have a chilling, not to mention demoralizing effect on US Special Forces. After all-- how can we expect these intrepid warriors to continue putting their lives on the line when those in command are playing the role of Judas.

It is long overdue for our commander in chief to cast aside his notorious anti-American inclinations--and do what is noble: dismiss all charges against the SEALs.

Now is the time for leadership--not backstabbing (our troops).

Monday, December 14, 2009


For those conservatives who waxed rhapsodic over President Obama's Oslo speech last week--take a pill. One hawkish oration (delivered by a we are the world, community organizer in chief) does not mean the man is now Winston Churchill.

Lest we forget, Obama had to be dragged (against his leftist ideological will) kicking and screaming like a bit** just to agree to a surge in Afghanistan. A surge, mind you--that top military commanders explicitly and urgently stated was necessary in order to be victorious.

At this great crucible in our nation's history, empty bravado is a dangerous endeavor. If Obama truly desires to be a successful wartime president he must (without telegraphing his punches to the enemy) not only score a decisive win in Afghanistan--but also (unilaterally, if need be) prevent the Islamic Republic of Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons.

Wartime president or big time wuss?

Friday, December 11, 2009


"Economics 101 explicitly teaches that it is not the duty of government to create jobs, but rather to foster a milieu (led by across the board marginal and corporate tax cuts) by which the free market system can flourish unencumbered. And when this takes place--the natural manifestation will be more jobs." ---Prof. C'mon Sense---

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Will The 'Beast' Take A Bite For Freedom?

The following blog was written by Audrey Russo. Audrey's poignant and substantive work on the Middle East can be read at she is the Managing Editor.

Will The 'Beast' Take A Bite For Freedom?

You've probably heard of the 'Beast of Burden', or perhaps the 'Mark of the Beast', and most likely 'Beauty and the Beast'. But have you ever heard of the 'Beast of Kandahar'?

Well give an ear here...

The RQ-170 Sentinel is a creation of Lockheed Martin's Advanced Development Program, and was dubbed 'Beast of Kandahar' by veteran aviation expert Bill Sweetman. He describes the wingspan as being about 80 feet, and notes "One important detail: the overwing fairings are not B-2-like inlets, but cover some kind of equipment - satcoms on one side, perhaps, and a sensor on the other."

Now that's a BIG birdie...

The Beast's designation signifies an unarmed drone instead of the armed Predator UAV which has been utilized numerous times to launch missiles at terrorist sites on the AfPak border. But the craft apparently has "a deep, fat center-body" never know what 'goodies' it can carry for our Persian 'friends'...

So here's hoping the Beast has taken (and will continue to take) a bite out of the Islamofascists' clandestine arsenal by taking a peak at the works...for the sake of freedom-loving people everywhere.

Shalom through strength...and HOOAH!!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Perhaps the next time President Obama condemns Tarp1 (signed by Bush) as "faulty" and dangerously "hasty" he should be reminded that (as a newly minted senator from Illinois) he not only voted for it--but during the entire process didn't even offer one syllable of rhetorical criticism.

There use to be a name for guys like this: Phony bastard!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


President Obama, instead of the usual anti-American invective, pitiful apologies and nauseating self-aggrandizement--I suggest a far more noble endeavor: As commander in chief, drop all charges against the Navy SEALs. By doing so you will finally demonstrate an ability to put aside (at least temporarily) your hyper-narcissism in favor of God and country.

Monday, December 7, 2009


"American foreign policy should never be appeasement based. Sucking-up to Islamic tyrants (in order to stroke their fragile egos) is a losers game only played by pitifully spineless politicos. In this arena a bold and direct approach is best, backed-up--of course--by a can of (military) wup-ass." ---President A. Pair---

Sunday, December 6, 2009


From foot baths at US universities to Sharia courts in the UK to cowering at Iran's every threat--Western Civilization (WC) is in hyper-retreat from Islam. And it is this very grim retreat that has served to encourage Islamo-despots (and their malignant proxies) to march towards their ultimate goal of a global Islamic hegemony.

While WC is engaged in pitiful self-flagellation over waterboarding--jihadists are not only mutilating our soldiers and incinerating civilians, they are also working feverishly to impose their draconian doctrine on our culture. (CAIR has openly stated that its modus operandi is to see America become a Sharia state.)

Either the cowering ends or Western Civilization will.

Friday, December 4, 2009

For The Left, Where Does Rifqa's Choice Begin And End?

The following blog was written by Audrey Russo. Audrey's poignant and substantive work on the Middle East can be read at she is the Managing Editor.

For The Left, Where Does Rifqa's Choice Begin And End?

OK, you liberals out supposed 'champions of choice'...when it comes to a 17-year old girl: Where does choice begin and end?

Every American knows when it comes to a supposed woman's right to choose--you are the most vocal and visible bunch on the planet. Especially for a teenager who wants to rid herself of what the Left calls 'the product of pregnancy'...also know as a human baby.

But where oh where are you 'defenders' when it comes to the true constitutional rights of legitimate freedoms like religion, and a young girl, like Rifqa Bary's right to choose hers? Gone fishing, eh?

It appears that your brand of 'freedom' begins and ends with destroying the developing world of a defenseless human being. It's what you live for...and what you worship.

Sorry, won't have these 'champions' fighting for you...they've already chose THEIR religion.

Thursday, December 3, 2009


Perhaps the next time German chancellor Angela Merkel waxes emotional about her nation's "special relationship" with Israel--she can take the time to explain why the Shia terrorist group Hezbollah still remains a legal political system in her country?

And with the group boasting over 900 members in Germany--the time to elucidate such demented negligence is long overdue.

Please, Angela--explain why.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


The quintessential question still remains: Will President Obama ever use the word victory when discussing Afghanistan? Well considering the fact that he is ideologically opposed to warfare (particularly when it is waged by America)--the answer is no.

Lest we forget--we are currently in the throes of our nation's very first post-American presidency. We (sadly enough) are saddled with a commander in chief who not only excoriates his own country abroad, but is far more comfortable stroking and appeasing our Islamic foes than killing them.

Truth be told: Obama will never use the words victory and America in the same sentence.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


"I am a firm believer that peace can only come to the Middle East if we shatter the shackles of Political Correctness by simply allowing Israel to defeat (militarily) any and all Islamic combatants which threaten its national security. Once this is achieved--then the Jewish State can negotiate from a position of strength." --President A. Pair--

Monday, November 30, 2009


President Obama's anti-Americanism is on display for all the world to see. By punishing the Navy SEALs who captured Iraq's most wanted terrorist, Ahmed Hashim Abed--our commander in chief has (yet again) used the world stage to impugn his fellow citizens, while extending an olive branch to the very bloodthirsty Islamo-thugs who seek to behead them.

This is just one of the many toxic manifestations of Obama's approach to the War on Terror. An approach rooted in a hyper-liberal philosophy that dictates the following: Feel-good rhetoric, mea culpas and anti-American agitprop is the most viable way to bring the enemy to a kumbaya moment.

In the end, history will record the following: America was defeated, not by the enemy--but by a self-hating American.

Friday, November 27, 2009


In the name of tolerance--are we willing to ignore the hyper-savagery of an archaic religion? Well it certainly seems that way. Lest we forget--whether it was the 9/11 hijackers or the Fort Hood killer--Muslims have been portrayed (mostly by the elite media, liberal academia and political leaders) as pathetic victims rather than loyal adherents of an uncivilized faith.

In an attempt to be undogmatic, Islam has never been properly scrutinized by the aforementioned groups. Instead of hearing about sharia, the call to jihad or death to infidels--we are force feed the usual pablum that it is a religion of "peace" protected by the Constitution.

Clearly, it is this type of (contrived) tolerance that will lead to utter destruction. In the case that lead to Japanese internment--Supreme Court Justice Jackson wrote “ the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution do not constitute a suicide pact.”

Words of wisdom in the Age of Tolerance.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


"I deem the current situation with Iran totally unacceptable. This arrogant (not to mention bloodthirsty) regime has given the finger to the free world for the very last time. I have instructed military leaders to proceed with Operation Angry Infidel which will target and destroy the Islamic Republic's nuclear program." ---President A. Pair---

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


It is strikingly obvious that Political Correctness has become the major deterrent in preventing a substantive debate on what should be the most critical question of our time: Is Islam a religion of peace or a dogma of death?

Immediately following 9/11 (in an attempt to pacify all Muslims) we simply took the position that Islam was hijacked by 19 hellbent radicals. And by doing so, fecklessly ignored the incontestable connection between their lethal actions and traditional Koranic doctrine (sura 2:62-65, 5:59-60, 9:29-33).

By engaging in such mind numbing pacification (a known pathology of PC) we never considered the distinct possibility that on 9/11 Islam wasn't hijacked at all--but followed to the utmost degree.

If current trends continue--and there's no indication to the contrary--death will surely be upon us.

Monday, November 23, 2009


Perhaps it's time for the elite media to stop vigorously genuflecting at the messiah's feet and report the truth: President Obama's pucker-up foreign policy approach has been a brutal failure.

After wearing out his lips on Teheran's tukis--the Islamic Republic is as recalcitrant as ever. Not only have the mullahs stridently rejected all of O's hyper-sugary overtures--but they have made it abundantly clear that their nuclear ambitions will not be deterred.

This stands as demonstrable evidence that such a foreign policy approach only produces rump results.

Saturday, November 21, 2009


"Islamic terrorists will not be awarded constitutional rights. They are a step below maggot droppings and (upon waterboarding) will be stripped naked and fed to a horde of wild boar."
---President A. Pair---

Thursday, November 19, 2009


"I fervently believe in American exceptionalism, and offer no apologies for it. After all--it was America that liberated a shattered and devastated world from the violent throes of Nazism. And it is America that will lead the way to victory against the evil forces of Islamo-thuggery....... Let it be known today that the United States will never retreat in the face of Muslim barbarians who cling to a twisted, warped and clearly psychotic religion. A religion, demonically enough--that demands the brutal and bloody suppression of Jews and Christians." ---President A. Pair---

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Given the irrefutable fact that the Gitmo detainees (due to their terrorist status) aren't cover by the Geneva Conventions, or the US Constitution--why all the fuss? Truth be told, this should motivate us to extract all the lifesaving intel we can from this gaggle of Islamic swine and then simply execute them.

Think about all the trouble it would save us if, after KSM shared his final flurry of information with interrogators--they put one right between his eyes.

In the final analysis--this would be the most efficacious way to handle such extraneous matter.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


President Obama's decision to try KSM in New York is glaringly (not to mention chillingly) political. Obama--a man possessed by the spirit of narcissism--will go to perfidious lengths to secure the hugs and kisses of European intellects, UN bureaucrats and Islamic tyrants.

Unfortunately, in order to procure such toxic kudos--O will be greatly compromising our national security. Remember that during the first World Trade Center (civilian) trail, federal prosecutors had to turn over highly sensitive info to the defense. And, as a result--Osama bin Laden was able to retool his tactics.

Chillingly political to the nth degree.

Monday, November 16, 2009


The 2008 election was a disquieting aberration. It was punctuated by the hyper--hatred of George W. Bush and the unyielding charisma and oratory of Barack Obama.

And (sadly) the end result has been a gross tragedy.

As we have witnessed: Charisma and oratory are never viable substitutes for character and experience.

Gross, indeed!

Sunday, November 15, 2009


Political Correctness killed the innocents at Fort Hood. The very fact that Muslims have gained victimhood status in our nation prevents any serious scrutiny of their faith. And as long as this fecklessness prevails--the religion of subjugation, torture and death will propagate (in the US and abroad).

Friday, November 13, 2009


The following blog was written by Audrey Russo. Audrey's poignant and substantive work on the Middle East can be read at she is the Managing Editor.

Hasan: "We Love Death, More Than You Love Life"

"If Muslim groups can convince Muslims that they are fighting for God against injustices of the 'infidels'; i.e.: enemies of Islam, then Muslims can become a potent adversary i.e.: suicide bombing, etc....We love death more then [sic] you love life!"
--Major Nidal Malik Hasan, 2007

Alarming words from the Fort Hood shooter merely 2 years ago at a conference at Walter Reed Medical Center in front of his administrators and 2 dozen mental health staff members on Islam, homicide bombings and threats the military might confront from Muslims struggling about fighting against their brethren in Muslim countries. (Here's Hasan's PowerPoint presentation.)

Red flags going up for anyone? Um, that should have been a big Duh what went wrong?

Well, you can't blame it on the weather, exactly...but rather the PC climate that our culture continues to progress and promote...and those smart little Mohammedans jumped right on the victimhood bandwagon...following the Islamic terror attack on 9/11.

Now, I'm not saying that those in attendance weren't appalled or shocked by Hasan's lecture...apparently, someone who was present told the Washington Post, "It was really strange. The senior doctors looked really upset."

Really? Did they act? Um, NOOOOOOO!

Ralph Peters got it a recent article he said that the Army is guilty of a dereliction of duty...

Indeed...and so are our leaders who kowtow to the cries of victimhood by unindicted co-conspirators like CAIR. Our elected leaders have the responsibility to protect our nation from those who desire to do us harm...and that includes those who follow an ideology, that when brought to fruition...will destroy ALL who do not bow down to it.

Mr. Hasan may be correct, concerning our political leaders. For if they loved life...they would have acted to prevent Hasan from ever getting to Fort Hood, following his Islamic presentation. But he is wrong concerning those he murdered in his personal jihad. They loved life...and sacrificed standing in-between him...and us.

Shalom through strength...

Thursday, November 12, 2009


"The First Amendment stops at the doorstep of a religion that dictates the truculent demise of all non-adherents (infidels) and the total demolition of Western Civilization. The sublimity of the aforementioned amendment was not designed to offer protection for a savage, wretched and clearly destructive faith." ---Burgess Redding---

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


On this Veterans Day--remember those who made the ultimate sacrifice so that we the people can live free!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Lest we forget, when Barack Obama (during a presidential debate) referred to Afghanistan as the "good war" and a "war of necessity" the theater was relatively calm. Thus, it was easy for the anti-war ghetto agitator from Chicago to talk tough about defeating those who perpetrated 9/11.

But now that things are heating-up on his watch--the Nobel Laureate has backpedaled and seems to be mired in the tar pits of indecisiveness. Perhaps he doesn't want to tarnish his shiny new award (much less offend the committee of self-proclaimed Euro intellects that bestowed it upon him) by sending 40,000 more troops to Afghanistan to kill those that belong to the world's most protected and cherished group, Muslims.

Memo to every American who voted for Obama: This is what happens when you elect a child to do a man's job.

Monday, November 9, 2009


Make no mistake: It was Political Correctness run wild that killed the innocents at Fort Hood.

The Army saw all the warning signs displayed by Islamist Maj. Nidal Hasan and yet--turned a blind eye to this parasitic punk because he belonged to a sacred species, Muslims.

Ever since 9/11 the Islamic community has claimed victim hood status. And by doing so, has been able to undermine our nation with relative impunity.

Forget H1N1: Political Correctness is the new (lethal) pandemic.

Friday, November 6, 2009


The Fort Hood shooter, Major Nidal Malik Hasan (a self-proffessed devout Muslim) shouted "Allah Akbar" just before he unleashed a brutal torrent of lead on the innocent. It is also reported that Hassan told a coworker that Muslims need to fight the American aggressors in both Iraq and Afghanistan.

The major was also seen on video (just prior to the rampage) distributing the Koran while adorned in traditional Islamic garb. (There is more damning info yet to be released).

Yet given the preponderance of evidence against this parasite--look for our feckless and craven leaders to shun, yet again--the facts while feeding use the usual pablum that Islam is a religion of peace.

Peace? Piece of sh**!!!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Israel's capture of a cargo ship loaded with 500 of tons of weapons (sailing from Iran to Syria) is demonstrable proof that President Obama's Kiss an Autocrat's Ass foreign policy approach is a glaring failure.

(The weapons were then to be brought overland to Hezbollah in Lebanon.)

It is painfully obvious that Iran has no fear of the self-proclaimed messiah who rose from the all important job of cheese-line organizer to become leader of the free world. After all, whenever Obama proffers an olive-branch, or long-winded mea culpa the meshugana Mullahs perceive it to be a sign of utter spinelessness.

If O (concerning Iran) continues to walk the Path of the Wussy: Western Civilization will be reduced to a desolate Islamic outpost.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

The following blog was written by Audrey Russo. Audrey's poignant and substantive work on the Middle East can be read at she is the Managing Editor.

Iran Helping Hezbollah, Thanks To The UN And O

As our dithering Dandy-In-Chief continues his pregnant pause on sending necessary troops to Afghanistan, there's 'good' news for his Iran strategy...

O has given Iran extension after extension concerning nuclear negotiations. And although those gifts of time have not resulted in any talks...they have provided Iran much time to help out one of their creations: Hezbollah.

Here's a the early 1980s, Iran's Revolutionary Guard created and trained Hezbollah (both on the US Terror List), the very vermin that killed hundreds of Americans, including 241 Marines in 1983, who were in Beirut as peacekeepers.

Now, it's been reported, from reliable sources, that Hezbollah is storing weapons in civilian homes positioned south of the Litani River in direct violation of UN Resolution 1701, which ended the 2006 war between Israel and Hezbollah.

Oh, and by the way...right under the nose of a UN presence in the area. The UN is aware of Hezbollah's activities...and they have, NOTHING...

And just to make sure that the safely stored arsenal can actually reach their first target (Israel), Hezbollah's brethren, Hamas, held a successful launch of a rocket (from Hamas' stronghold in the Gaza Strip) which could reach Tel Aviv. And that rocket was Iranian-made.

Moreover, to add to the concern, is the only truth coming out of the Goldstone report (on the Gaza war), which states that more than 8,000 rockets have been fired at Israeli civilians, by Hamas, since 2001.

So...I guess you can say those Busy Persian Bees have used their extensions like good Mohammedans, against the infidels.

Well on behalf of the infidels...I lay the blame, for the precarious position Israel (and the West) is now in, upon Obama and the UN. Israel represents the West and is in the vanguard of the War on Terror, and any gains made by the enemies of the West are made in the minds and hearts of the Arab Street. Pauses (Obama), oversights (UN), and compromise are ALL viewed as weakness to be conquered.

Haven't we helped our enemies enough? I believe so...

Shalom through strength...

Monday, November 2, 2009


No need to wax euphoric over the report that our nation's GDP grew 3.5% during the 3rd quarter. Why? Because it was totally induced by artificial stimuli (provided by a false messiah).

The uptick in the economy is a direct result of President Obama's Cash for Clunkers program and generous financial incentives for first time home buyers. And like all artificial stimuli (onetime government handouts)--the effects will be temporal.

Despite O's striking socialistic proclivities--the only proven way to grow the economy is via the private sector. Sadly, the stimulus package is a pillaging leviathan that provides billions of tax dollars for the public sector. And when this happens--history tells us--the private sector suffers.

G-d save us!

Friday, October 30, 2009


Perhaps the onerous task (about what to do next in Afghanistan) would have been made a little easier had Barack Obama actually visited the the country since becoming president.

Not only does this (by not getting a valid sense of what it's like in country) create a strategic nightmare--but it is also a direct and profound affront to our troops in the theater.

Our warriors need to know (unequivocally) what it feels like to have their commander in chief stand steadfastly behind them.

Sadly, with O--they will never know that feeling.

Thursday, October 29, 2009


Lest we forget: ObamaCare is not about money--it is all about control. And by the government operating all conceivable levers of health care--it will be far easier to control the one cohort that stands between freedom and penetrating evils of socialism--the middleclass.

And if this machination is successful: We the people are dead meat!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Only a brutal and dictatorial ideologue would force oppressive, prosperity destroying policies --which a vast majority of the citizenry rejects--on his own country. But looking beyond the brutality--this clearly demonstrates that Obama is a man who not only refuses to understand his own country--but clearly despises it.

And such actions only further cement the fact that he is a creature of the outer-limits of liberal thought and dogma. Which is why most folks (who live in flyover country) belive O crawled out from a hanger in Roswell, New Mexico.

And, and as usual--the folks are spot-on.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


President Obama's search for the perfect (intellectual) solution to Afghanistan is derived from his towering hyper-arrogance. His public flouting of Gen. McChrystal's request for more troops can be read as the following: I--not the guy with all stars, medals and ribbons--know what's best.

Unfortunately, O's arrogance is creating an untenable (not to mention deadly) situation for our troops in the theater. The longer he engages in haughty intellectualism, the longer our warriors will be without the lifesaving reinforcements they so desperately need.

And in the end--the war will be lost: Along with many American lives.

Monday, October 26, 2009


It is due time (concerning gays in the military) to sweep aside the endless drivel and slick sophistry and speak the truth: The law should triumph over evil.

The 1993 Eligibility Law (which has survived judicial scrutiny) specifically states that homosexuality is incompatible with military service. This, of course--should be the final word on the issue, not such feckless Clintonian policy as Don't ask, Don't Tell.

This law acts as bulwark against gay activists (and their brainwashed political lapdogs) who desire to use the military as a social experiment by forcing a demoralizing, nefarious and medically dangerous behavior on it.

In the end--it is the law, not policy--that must win out.

Friday, October 23, 2009


Be prepared to see that gaggle of insidious, bloodsucking thugs (better known as Democrats) use the 'nuclear option' in order to ram through ObamaCare.

Think I'm kidding?

Remember, nationalized health care is Obama's signature issue: If he is defeated--the thugs go down in flames.

Stay tuned!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

The following blog was written by Audrey Russo. Audrey's poignant and substantive work on the Middle East can be read at she is the Managing Editor.

The Swiss: Their Cheese Is Not The Only Thing With Holes In It

When you hear the name of Switzerland...what comes to mind? Cheese? Chocolate? Watches? Clandestine bank accounts?

How about minarets? You know, the tall, slender tower most often found attached to a mosque, used in the traditional call to prayer for Muslims (Muslim criers)...5 times a day.

For your information...there are 90 mosques in Switzerland. Two (in Zurich and Geneva) have minarets, with three more planned. Muslims comprise 350,000 of a total population of 7.5 million Swiss (the majority come from Turkey and the Balkans). Christians comprise 77% of the total population.

Now, minarets didn't appear until 80 years after Mohammed's death. Many believe it was created to show the infidel world the superiority of Islam over other religions...precisely what the Quran teaches.

So, it's no wonder, that even in 'neutral' Switzerland...there has begun a movement to ban the building of minarets...

A bi-partisan, anti-minaret campaign, which began in Switzerland more than a year ago, and has increased in number...have been accused of corroding free expression with their poster, which shows a veiled woman in front of a Swiss flag pierced by several minarets. But they now accuse their critics of doing the same thing by banning the poster promoting the campaign ahead of a referendum next month.

According to, the chairman of the anti-minaret campaign, Walter Wobmann, told a major Swiss news organization that it planned legal action against the cities and towns that have banned the poster, most likely on the basis of an infringement of free speech.

On November 29, thanks to the Swiss People's Party's (SVP) collection of signatures...the Swiss people will be able to vote on a referendum to the Swiss constitution that will be amended to add the line, “the construction of minarets is prohibited.”

Democracy still ROCKS...

But, apparently the Swiss their downward moral spiral and their fear of ending up on the bloody end of an Islamic sword...has no problem squashing the free speech of it's native-born citizens...and acquiescing to Muslim superiority.

I guess their cheese is not the only thing with holes in it...I'm thinking there's one big cavern in between their leaders ears.

Shalom through strength...

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


So, where's the usual torrent of invective from the left? You, know--from all those Hollywood blowhards like George Clooney who have lobbied feverishly to end the genocide in Darfur. After all (during his campaign) President Obama promised that upon taking office he would move immediately to take tough measures against the Islamic regime in Khartoum.

Well, what happened? Not only does the carnage continue at the behest of the regime, but it is carried out with relative impunity.

Finally, just last week Obama stated that he wanted to begin a substantive dialogue with Khartoum. Wow! Again, where is the outrage from the left?

Oh, that's right--how could I forget: A white liberal like Clooney would never dare criticize the first black president (even if it means more dead Africans).

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


President Obama's dogmatic jihad against Rush Limbaugh, Fox News, the US Chamber of Commerce, the insurance industry, etc.--is a pathetic and greatly disingenuous diversion away from the truth: It is (first and foremost) the American people that passionately object to O's attempt to recreate America in his Marxist image.

The average Joe is outraged over ObamaCare, cap and trade, the stimulus package and a host of other Marxist programs that are specifically designed to bring us closer to the European model. From Tea Parties to Town Hall meetings--millions of citizens have expressed their disgust and utter disdain for an administration that seeks to dismantle the American way of life.

But I fervently believe that Obama is the greatest gift the conservative (grassroots) movement has received in decades. The more he attempts to foist his all suffocating and onerous Marxist agenda on the public--the more people are inclined to to join the movement.

And the end result will be glorious: Obama will serve one term--and be remembered as nothing more than a pimple on the ass of history.
President Obama's war against Rush Limbaugh, Fox News, the US Chamber of Commerce, insurance companies, etc.--is nothing more than a pathetic and disingenuous diversion from the stinging truth: It is the American people that oppose O's attempt to recreate America in his socialistic image.

Monday, October 19, 2009


President Obama's refusal to fight to win in Afghanistan is born out of a hyper-liberalism that dictates a despicably deep-seated belief that there is a moral equivalence between America and the rogue nations that seek to castrate it.

A glaring for instance was Obama's America Sucks Tour--in which he not only proffered endless apologies and embarrassing boot licking exhibitions--but he also declared that there was very little that separated us from Iran, Syria, Venezuela, Russia and Sudan.

Based on this lethally flawed belief, Obama denies that America posses the moral compass to prosecute a War on Terror--and thus--we must partner with the aforementioned nations in order to unearth the root causes that produce such unbridled anger, strife and discontent for the West.

Wow! Is there any doubt that Barack Obama is Jimmy Carter on crack/cocaine?

Friday, October 16, 2009


America's new foreign policy (The Audacity of Ego) is based on the premise that charisma, charm, lofty speechifying, eloquent overtures and well crafted apologies can bring our avowed enemies to heel. It thrives on the idea that anti-Americanism (expressed by a US President) will usher in an everlasting, global kumbaya.

The question is--will it work? I'll let you know as soon as the mushroom cloud over Israel settles.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

O's Kisses To Our Enemies, Like Spitting Into The Wind

The following blog was written by Audrey Russo. Audrey's poignant and substantive work on the Middle East can be read at she is the Managing Editor.

O's Kisses To Our Enemies, Like Spitting Into The Wind

The idol of O, Saul Alinsky, believed in using any means to a desired end. That included going back on your Obama did with our allies in Eastern Europe (missile defense) order to garner favor with the Kremlin...

But with the 2016 Olympics debacle...he failed yet again. (Hmm...I see a pattern here...)

Only this time, his failure has done much more damage than merely losing the Olympics to Brazil. He reneged on promises made to our friends...a radar system in the Czech Republic and a missile interceptor base in Poland...he took the word of the United States, that allies have always been able to depend upon...and made it mud. (Well, he kept a campaign promise of changing how the world views the US...Before O: Faithful. After O: Deceitful.)

But wait...he's done much more...he's been busy blowing kisses to our hopes that the Bear would show some support for tightening sanctions against Iran.

Yeah...Удачи! (Good luck!) Blowing kisses to the Kremlin is like spitting into the's why:
Russia possesses a major portion of the world's oil reserves, of which Iran is a customer.
Iran is their major arms client and the Bushehr plant construction was a $1 billion dollar deal.
Tarzan syndrome: They want to be a world power again...(pound your chest here).
We will get NO help from Putin, on Iran or anything else. We are his nemesis...and all the unctuous rhetoric O's teleprompter can scroll out, won't change the Bear's growl: It's against the US and Israel. And let me interpret this for O...that means NO HELP WITH IRAN.

Feel your own spittle yet, O? We do...

Shalom through strength...

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


As Iran marches unabated towards nuclear proliferation--the West, as usual--continues to dither. In fact (only a few short days ago) Secretary of State Hillary Clinton agreed with Russia that new sanctions against the Islamic Republic are premature.


This feckless (not to mention dangerous) statement further underscores a foreign policy that can best be described as outrageously sissified. As Tehran ratchets up the rhetoric (as well as their nuclear weapons program)--the Obama Administration seems to be suffering from a severe case of NO BALLS!

And, unfortunately--this case of NB will soon leave us all choking to death on an Islamic mushroom cloud.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


As I had mentioned in a previous blog--pathological tax cheat Charles Rangel has been able to remain at his post (as chairman of the powerful House ways and means committee) simply because he's black. Now comes a chilling report from the New York Post that Speaker Nancy Pelosi has received a caveat from the Congressional Black Caucus stating that (if she dare remove the congressman from his esteemed perch) she will most certainly lose the African-American vote.

Once again we see a venal and self-absorbed African-American leader (aided by professional grievance-mongers) able to survive by playing the ever popular and durable race-card.

This is, unquestionably--racial politics at its absolute worst: Despicably supremacist to the core.

Monday, October 12, 2009


Happy Columbus Day! Today is a perfect time to stick a thumb in the eye of the historical revisionist, race-monger, reparationist, self-loathing white-man and the rest of the insidious SOB's that have besmirched the man who discovered America.

Yes, it is time to break the bonds of political correctness and celebrate the brave New World that this intrepid explorer uncovered. So, ignore the vile battery of lies (and canards) about slavery, rape, pillage and plunder by enjoying the bounty that is America.

Make it a goal, today--to attend a parade, festival, street fair etc., that celebrates the discovery (and discoverer) of the greatest nation on earth: And the SOB's be damned!

Saturday, October 10, 2009


Those left in a state of mental chaos and frantic disbelief over President Obama being awarded the Noble Peace Prize need to take a deep breath in order to understand the following: It is no surprise whatsoever that the Norwegians are giving this once highly distinguished prize to a man (think Jimmy Carter) who loves to hate America.

After all--European intellects are infatuated with self-hating Americans. And Obama (irrefutably) is the most eloquent and articulate self-hating American in our nation's history. From the UN to Germany to Turkey--our rhetorical leader has unashamedly excoriated, ridiculed, mocked and crapped on our country in front of millions of cheering foreigners.

So given the Euros love of Americans who hate America: Obama be da man.

Thursday, October 8, 2009


As Micheal Moore continues to impugn the free market system (via his latest docudung, Capitalism: A love Story)--the world's most feckless and belligerent fat bastard has made over $300 million in the aforementioned structure.

I wonder if Moore would have found the same level of prosperity living under his longtime hero Fidel Castro?

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


I am of the belief that when Barack Obama (during the presidential campaign) declared that Afghanistan was the "central front" in the war on terror, and thus a war of "necessity" that must be won--he was being beyond disingenuous, in fact--he was lying.

Obama's tough campaign rhetoric was designed to assuage his critics who (at the time) claimed he was an anti-war, doctrinaire liberal. Now that he has become commander in chief--his dovish predisposition has been exposed in the form of refusing to send the necessary troops to win the war in Afghanistan.

Chillingly, Obama's refusal is based on his liberal worldview that lofty speeches, olive branches and endless apologies are far more potent when it comes to combating Islamists than bullets and bombs.

This is truly the foreign policy of useful idiots and other assorted nuts.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Talking down the country is anathema for an American president. In fact, any commander in chief (think Jimmy Carter) who has ever engaged in such revulsion has been shoveled under the dung heap of history.

This explains why independents, in droves--are fleeing from President Obama. More than ObamaCare--these patriotic voters are outraged by O's incessant aspersions and condemnations of the country they so love.

In the end, Obama's hate of country will make him (like Mr. Peanut) a one term president.

And the nation said--AMEN!

Monday, October 5, 2009


Obama's lack of strategic leadership on Afghanistan stems directly from a leftist worldview that sees warfare (particularly when waged by a Western power) as a tool of subjugation. And, as a result--he will eventually wave the white flag and withdraw from the fight.

This eventuality will only serve to embolden an enemy that has (for the past 10 months) been laughing its ass off.

Friday, October 2, 2009

The following blog was written by Audrey Russo. Audrey's poignant and substantive work on the Middle East can be read at she is the Managing Editor.

Grayson: American Disgrace

"The hatred and contempt for men, women and children that was manifested in the Shoah, was a crime against God and against humanity. This should be clear to everyone, especially to those standing in the tradition of the Holy Scriptures, according to which every human being is created in the image and likeness of God (Gen 1:26-27). It is beyond question that any denial or minimization of this terrible crime is intolerable and altogether unacceptable." Pope Benedict XVI

Recently, on the floor of the Congress...a representative from the State of Florida, Alan Grayson, committed beyond a faux pas and more like an atrocious offense against Jews globally...

In his attempt to garner attention to himself, this is what Grayson said in response to the hyperbole he used against Republicans and healthcare reform, the day prior:

"I apologize to the dead and their families that we haven't voted sooner to end this holocaust in America (referring to the supposed healthcare crisis)."

In an attempt to acquire 15 minutes of fame for himself, Rep. Grayson minimized the most heinous act committed against mankind, by mankind in our history...and the premeditated extermination of a minority ethnic/religious group. His abominable rhetoric reveals that Rep. Grayson is the sad example of what happens in a society when history has been revised and minimized due to an undetectable stream of disdain.

This unique black mark left in history by the Shoah should NEVER be used in a hyperbolic moment to make a political point. Rep. Grayson has shown Jews and all those who have been personally touched by the Holocaust, that he is an odious, callous soul who doesn't deserve the time of less Floridians vote when his term is done.

Rep. Grayson has indeed made himself known, and to those who would never have known he existed...but he did so in an infamous way. Rep. Grayson may try to apologize, but the fact is Grayson is a disgrace to America and American values...and an apology will never remedy that.


Perhaps President Obama's reticence--concerning the murder of an African-American honor student in Chicago last week--has to do with the skin hue of the perpetrators (the vile thugs happen to be black)?

It seems that not even our nation's first black president has the balls to address the growing pandemic of black on black crime. One could only imagine if the perps had been white, Mr. Obama would have used his oratorical deception to erroneously declare (yet again) that America is still mired in the toxic swamps of racism.

Thursday, October 1, 2009


Is it any surprise that Hollywood libs are apoplectic over the arrest of Roman Polanski? This just further underscores the fact that Tinseltown is a seething cesspool of relentless nihilism where children (in and out of the womb) are considered little more than extraneous matter.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Western leaders who tenaciously advocate land for peace (as a viable tool to end the Israeli/Palestinian conflict) are suffering from terminal naivete. The Islamic doctrine Waaf, which states once Islamic territory, also Islamic territory--stands as a belligerent bulwark against any lasting peace accord.

And as a result of this doctrine--Palestinians believe (wrongly, of course) that all of Israel belongs to them. That is why the PLO, Hamas and Fatah charters deny Israel's very right to exist by calling for its brutal extermination.

Once again, truth explodes the liberal canard that Islam is a religion of peace and tolerance. In fact, Islam is the very reason we will never see peace in the Middle East.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


With the Islamic Republic of Iran ratcheting up its bellicosity and Afghanistan deteriorating at an alarming rate--President Obama has decided to fixate on the “irreversible catastrophe” of climate change. And, unquestionably--America's foes couldn't be more thrilled.

As Obama muses over the deleterious effects cow farts have on the environment, Tehran is plotting its nuclear incineration of Israel, while the Taliban resurrects its sharia-driven bloodbath on the outskirts of Kabul.

O's disquieting inability to correctly process foreign affairs has made him the most anemic (not to mention dangerous) president in US history. And, as a result--American sovereignty teeters on the very brink extinction.

Our foes have found their useful idiot--and his name is not Bush.

Monday, September 28, 2009


Endless diplomacy is the opiate of cowards, chumps and those that reside in the deadly recesses of denial. While Iran races towards nuclear capability--Western leaders continue to use failed diplomatic stratagems in an attempt to mollify a ruthlessly barbaric regime.

In the real world, the Islamic Republic of Iran will not be deterred from their anti-Semitic machination (mushroom cloud over Jerusalem) by mere olive branches and lofty overtures. The Tyrants of Tehran must be read the riot act: Either comply--or face the wrath of military action.

What is needed today--in the face of such ominousness--is not another "peace in our time" diplomatic moment, but rather clear and decisive action that will (once and for all) eradicate this looming threat.

Friday, September 25, 2009


Clearly--the new leader of the Free World is Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. His truthful and courageous excoriation of the Iranian regime (during his speech to the UN General Assembly earlier this week) has made him the unambiguous icon of those who hold freedom sacred.

Netanyahu faced down the Islamic Republic when he stated "the greatest threat facing the world today is the marriage between religious fundamentalism and weapons of mass destruction." He also added that "the most urgent challenge facing this body is to prevent the tyrants of Tehran from acquiring nuclear weapons."

Unfortunately this is what President Obama should have said. But instead his speech to the UNGA was just a continuation of his America Sucks Tour.

Truth be told: The only thing that sucks is Obama.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

The following blog was written by Audrey Russo. Audrey's poignant and substantive work on the Middle East can be read at she is the Managing Editor.

Proof That Peanuts Are Not Brain Food

We are all familiar with the worst president of our time (so far)...Jimmy 'Dhimmi' Carter. His jugular pumps a shade of anti-Semitism most thought more endemic to Arabs. But Carter's case of anti-Jewitis is not isolated...

Jimmy's former national security adviser, Zbigniew Brzezinski (Zbig), says that the pro-Israel lobby in the US is too powerful and uses the media to shut down criticism and influence the government.

But there's more...he has also claimed that Hamas attacks on Sderot were not lethal, just annoying.

Annoying? Tell that to the families of the 15 people who have been killed by Qassam rockets lobbed upon innocent Israelis since attacks began in 2001...

(Hmm...just wondering if Zbig is sucking on Georgia goobers like his former boss...)

And here's a big 'surprise'...Obama has made Zbig an advisor and has praised him as "someone I have learned an immense amount from", and "one of our most outstanding scholars and thinkers."

Well, now that further clarifies the origin of O's anti-Semitic mind-set, a long history of O allying himself with anti-Israel buddies (i.e. Rev. Wright, Father Pfleger, Louis Farrakhan, etc.).

Are peanuts the new 'jelly belly' in O's office?

For the record...I do not hate peanuts OR peanut farmers...just the roasted Goober whose heart is so filled with disgust for the Jewish nation that he can't help spreading the hate around...through his books, his rhetorical spewage, his former cabinet members...and his terrorist support.

Proof positive that a constant diet of gobbling goobers will only kill your gray matter...

Shalom through strength...

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


President Barack Obama's speech today (before the UN General Assembly) was not only a pathetic exercise in self-aggrandizement, but it was also a treasonous and disquieting repudiation of the Bush years.

By Obama stating to the world's most vile despots, tyrants, thugs and misfits (seated before him) that we engaged in torture--was beyond the outer realms of unbridled insanity. Imagine, categorizing spritzing (with tap water) the face of 9/11 architect Khalid Sheik Muhammad as torture in the very presence of bloodthirsty bastards who stone innocent women to death for showing a little ankle.

O, instead of spouting invective designed to degrade and belittle America--you should thank the heroes who labored steadfastly to keep us save over the last 8 years (including President Bush). But, alas--that would require the planet's number one narcissist to show a little humility.


Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Barack Obama (during the presidential campaign) profusely promised that he would fight to win the "good" war--Afghanistan. But now with commander of US forces in the region, Gen. Stanley McChrystal-stating the that conflict is winnable, but more troops are needed: Will the president buck his cut and run party and give the general what he needs to score a victory?

My surmise would be NO!

I believe Obama will eventually withdraw from Afghanistan (long before victory can be achieved)--not to assuage the likes of Pelosi, Reid or Murtha--but simply because war is completely antithetical to his leftist ideology (particularly if America is one the winning end).

O is of the implicit belief that lofty rhetoric can sooth the savage tyrant, and that waging war against him only deepens the world's mindset that America is a bloodthirsty hegemony.

History will record the following: President Obama cared more about world opinion than winning wars of necessity.

Monday, September 21, 2009

ACORN: Still Sucking The Lifeblood Out Of The Taxpayers

The following blog was written by Audrey Russo. Audrey's poignant and substantive work on the Middle East can be read at she is the Managing Editor.

ACORN: Still Sucking The Lifeblood Out Of The Taxpayers

So, you think the Congress took ACORN's grimy digits out of your wallet? Think again...

The big announcement from Congress that they were voting to defund ACORN has a long journey before it is written in stone. Those votes were on amendments to different bills...and they're not seeing a presidential pen for some time...if ever.

In the meanwhile...ACORN is still eligible for beaucoup bucks...OUR bucks...BILLIONS of our bucks!

And, U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-MN, says, "don't think that the Democrats won't try to strip the ACORN language from whatever bill finally makes it to the White House."

She's spot on...ACORN was responsible, in part, for the democrat landslide this past election. The massive voter fraud, which they are still being indicted for in numerous states...contributed to the outcome. So...the Dems owe a wee bit to this cadre of they will, in all probability, create a wag-the-dog...and quietly rip the language out of the bills, like a pickpocket in a crowd of tourists in Times Square...

So, are citizens powerless? Far from it...there is way Americans can stop any further funding from going to ACORN immediately...and it will take unrelenting pressure upon Barack Obama...

It's called the Suspension and Debarment Program. Bachman explains, "The government debarment and suspension procedures are intended to prevent poor performance, waste, fraud and abuse in federal procurement and nonprocurement actions. Debarment or suspension of an organization, business or individual from doing business with the federal government is not meant to be a punishment, but a procedure to ensure that federally funded business is conducted legally with responsible persons."

(Wow...that could be applied to almost every subvention program the government runs...imagine the savings...!!!)

Halloween is just one month why not be a haunt?! That's right...haunt the President and insist that he implement this program with his former they can go back into their caves...and stop sucking the lifeblood out of the taxpayers...

If O does indeed implement this program...I, for one, will be grateful and say 'fangs a lot'! (Sorry, I couldn't resist.)

Friday, September 18, 2009


Clearly the most pernicious and lethal individual that dwells within our boarders is Nancy Pelosi. By assaulting the CIA with a battery of false accusations, the Speaker has made our nation susceptible to attacks that would make 9/11 look like a fender bender.

Her ballistic binge has cause many experienced agents and operatives to flee the agency, leaving it totally void of the seasoned veterans that have played a key role in keeping us save over the past 8 years. And those that do remain will most certainly ponder the question: Should I risk my live for a turncoat government?

Unfortunately, the first female Speaker of the House has also turned out to America's most deadly domestic terrorist!

Thursday, September 17, 2009


The level of mendacity is towering! Imagine--politicos like Obama, Pelosi and Dodd telling us that illegals will not be entitled to ObamaCare.

Truth be told--irrespective of which bill finally passes: Medical officials will not be allowed to question the legal status of any individual applying for government health care. This, of course--follows the caustic paradigm (federal law) that is now in play concerning emergency room treatment (which is bankrupting hospitals across the country).

Joe Wilson was correct: You lie!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


With Obama's spinelessness--and Europe's hyper-fear of offending Islam: Is it any wonder that Iran is marching (unimpeded) towards a deployable nuclear weapon?

With more talks slated for October (between the EU and Tehran), just expect the Islamic Republic to use the gabfest as yet another diversion while it contrives to construct a nuclear bomb.

Time is running out on this most ominous situation--and the only sound we hear from the West is that of quivering lips kissing Persian cheeks!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Once you slice through all the rhetorical refuse (BS) proffered by Speaker Pelosi (in defense of pathological tax cheat Charlie Rangel)--you can only draw one viable conclusion as to why the congressman still chairs the all powerful House Ways and Means Committee: Because he is BLACK!

Let's get real: Pelosi knows if she forced Rangel to step down, she would incur the wrath of every race-baiter that litters our political landscape. From Jackson to Sharpton to certain members of the Congressional Black Cuacus--the level of shrill would be nothing short of unbearable.

Once again the race-card trumps all, even to the great detriment of every American.

Monday, September 14, 2009


Let's not mince words: The most appalling aspect of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's visit to the UN (later this month) is the incontestable fact that he has American blood on his hands.

Iranian made explosive devices, which have maimed and killed scores of US troops in Iraq--were discovered in Mesopotamia several years ago. Not to mention the fact that Iran's proxies Hezbollah and the Revolutionary Guard were deployed to the region to create bloody mayhem.

It is these egregious details that should prompt our Commander in Chief to sternly oppose this rat bastard's feet from ever touching-down on our precious soil. But I suspect that when MA's plane does land--Obama will be there to greet him with butt-ready lips!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

BiBi...Ignore...Lock And Load

The following blog was written by Audrey Russo. Audrey's poignant and substantive work on the Middle East can be read at she is the Managing Editor.

BiBi...Ignore...Lock And Load

Those of us who are up to snuff on the activities of the former Persian empire know we are now down to the wire...

Neither the EU nor the US (with O at the helm) will do squat about the Persian petards planned for Israel or the 'Great Satan' (us) with all Israeli PM Binyamin "BiBi" Netanyahu has on his plate (i.e. being surrounded by seething 'neighbors', etc.), I believe he needs to do two things:

1. Ignore the delays and blather of the world community, who care nothing for the survival of the Jewish State.
2. Lock and Load.

BiBi...No world leader will assist you. No world leader will vocally support you. All world leaders will condemn you when your crucial work is done. But freedom-loving souls, globally, will salute they collectively breathe a sigh of relief.

Because in the current milieu of craven narcissists and arrogant autocrats...there will only be...

Shalom through strength...

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Let's get one thing straight: 9/11 is a day of remembrance--not a call to service!

So, Mr. President--please stop using this date as a rallying cry to implore young people to serve their communities via ACORN, or some other hyper-radical, left-wing organization.

In short: Do not use 9/11 as a tool to spread your Euro-socialistic agenda. Because (by doing so) you stridently assault truth, justice and the American way.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Allow me to understand the following: Dare oppose ObamaCare and you will be labeled a racist, bigot and hate-monger.


So, upon being threatened with such virulent and toxic labels--those who oppose are expected to fall silent (capitulate) and just allow Obama to implement socialized medicine? Which--by the way--would make us all serfs in his kingdom of Hope and Change.

Well, just call me a racist.

Monday, September 7, 2009


While the neutered (think Obama and his acolytes) continue to preach the immorality of waterboarding, the left-leaning Washington Post recently ran a story that explicitly detailed how 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheik Mohammed's intractability was eventually shattered by the so-called controversial interrogation technique.

And, as a result--KSM revealed myriad terror plots that were to be executed on US soil--which also included an attack on the Brooklyn Bridge.

Only those that lack a pair would deem it immoral to splash water in the face of a mass murderer in order to save thousands (if not millions) of innocent American lives.

Neutered, indeed!

Saturday, September 5, 2009


We as a nation must be very cognizant of the following: While the weak, naive and mentally challenged (those in congress) among us publicly demonstrate their hyper-disdain for spraying Khalid Sheik Mohamed in the face with a garden hose--Islamo-thugs continue to mutilate, torch and behead the innocent while shouting "praise be to Allah and death to America."

When will we ever learn?

Thursday, September 3, 2009


It's become glaringly obvious that even a self-proclaimed Messiah like Obama (gifted with an uncanny ability to read a teleprompter) cannot persuade an informed, not to mention fired-up electorate to embrace socialized medicine.

The people have spoken--and thus rejected the king's attempt to usher in serfdom.

Long live the people!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


The very thought that our commander-in-chief would prosecute the intrepid warriors that extracted lifesaving information from 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheik Mohamed is beyond insane. In fact, I dare say: It is outright treason!

Most clear minded Americans are of the belief that (if need be) in order to procure vital info from a KSM type--the inch by inch removal of a particular male organ is totally acceptable.

This might not sit well with O and his flock of squeamish pansies, but we the people know that in order to halt the propagation of pure evil--righteous violence is permissible.


Tuesday, September 1, 2009


During the presidential campaign Barack H. Obama (as well as all Democrats) referred to Afghanistan as the "good" war. In fact, Obama ardently declared that Iraq was nothing more than a feckless distraction that took our nation's "eyes" off the ball and away from the individuals that perpetrated 9/11.

But now that the anointed one is commander-in-chief, it appears that such strident ardency has diminished. No longer does O (or his fellow Dems) talk about the importance of Afghanistan. And on such rare occasions--when it is discussed--the terminology is disturbingly vague, with no clear cut combat strategy propounded.

Clearly Obama (and his party of seething jackasses) used Afghanistan for purely political reasons in order to demonize the Bush Administration over the Iraq war.

Bastards, all!

In Iran: Nuclear Is To Peaceful, Like Women Are To Freedom

The following blog was written by Audrey Russo. Audrey's poignant and substantive work on the Middle East can be read at she is the Managing Editor.

In Iran: Nuclear Is To Peaceful, Like Women Are To Freedom's official...the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) are either diabolical liars, as naive as the day is long on June 21st in Fairbanks, AK...or incredibly stupid.

Hmmm, quite a menu...

On August 28th, the IAEA released their findings that Iran had decreased its expansion of uranium enrichment, but added that charges that Tehran had studied how to build atom bombs appeared credible.

And so the news is...????

Those that are able to see that Iran has never decelerated their march toward nuclear weaponization, know that the Mullahs have taken advantage of every scintilla of every opportunity the incredibly stupid have afforded them...and they WILL accomplish their nuclear goals...

Iranian news agency, Fars, reported that Iran's emissary to IAEA Ali Asghar Soltanieh stated that, "Iran's nuclear activities are peaceful." Soltanieh continued concerning the report, "It shows Iran has continued its cooperation with the agency ... but at the same time will not accept any political pressure to take measures beyond its legal commitments."

Interpretation..."you are free to look this far, and no further."

And Iran continues it's proclamation that they have no designs on a nuclear weapon.

It's unequivocal what Iran is doing with these 'extensions'...making plans...building dreams...stirring their caldron of machinations against the West.

These constant delays, gullible reports and paltering proclamations are providing the enemies of freedom the time make our nightmares come true.

Iran, when questioned, always declares that women are free under their regime. We know this is NOT the truth. They also declare that they have peaceful nuclear purposes for their uranium enrichment activities...what do YOU think is the truth?


Shalom through strength...

Thursday, August 27, 2009


I will always remember Ted Kennedy for his pugnacious assault on Supreme Court nominee Robert Bork: "Robert Bork's America is a land in which women would be forced into back-alley abortions, blacks would sit at segregated lunch counters . . ."

Kennedy, unmistakeably--was the complete antithesis of Ronald Reagan. He dogmatically opposed all tax cuts, disdained any and all US military buildups--and rabidly supported the destruction of innocents in the womb.

The Lion of the Senate has left behind a liberal legacy of caustic legislation (such as the Immigration Reform Act of 1965, which flooded the country with unskilled immigrants)--as well as a seditious anti-Iraq war record that gave aid and comfort to the enemy.

And may we never forget the millions of unborn babies that were slaughtered on the altar of liberalism that Ted Kennedy gleefully constructed.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

If It's Made In Sweden, I Don't Want It

The following blog was written by Audrey Russo. Audrey's poignant and substantive work on the Middle East can be read at she is the Managing Editor.

If It's Made In Sweden, I Don't Want It

You know that country in the Northern part of Europe, known for making good cheese, watches, and some really good quality knives? Well, they're also becoming known for creating something else...hate...

The Swedish were 'neutral' during WWII...unwilling to take a stand against the Nazis...and considering their recent behavior, there is no longer a need to wonder why...

In a piece on, Adi Porat says it all, "In the country that likes to present itself as equal and neutral, Israel is considered the greatest nemesis of our time."

Here's a case in point...reports about terror attacks during the first Intifada didn't identify the perp as a suicide bomber, but instead, that "four Israelis and a Palestinian were killed in an explosion," as if the unfortunate 'Palestinian' merely happened to be at the scene of the blast...when HE was the bomber.

Nothing like neutrality, huh?

Oh, but there's much more...recently, the Swedish paper, Aftonbladet, published on it's website an article accusing the IDF of harvesting 'Palestinian' organs. It was an egregious lie. The Israeli government declared that it expected the Swedish government to officially condemn the article. PM Bibi Netanyahu stated , "We do not want the Swedish government to apologize, we want it to issue a condemnation."

The Swedish response? Although Swedish Ambassador to Israel Elisabet Borsiin Bonnier's condemned the report, the Swedish government said that didn't represent their position.

What?? So they're OK with the hateful paltering? Hmmm...interesting.

While some might say Sweden is taking this stance for political reasons...many know this is merely a facade for good ole, enduring anti-Semitism!

You's no wonder there is a growing Muslim population in Sweden (nearly 10 million)...they must feel right at home.

I have to say...I do love cheese, use watches...and on occasion, need a good quality knife. But from now on...if it's made in Sweden: I don't want it!

Shalom through strength...

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Can there be more demonstrable evidence that Western Civilization is not galvanized against the dark forces of Islamo-thuggery than the release (thanks to the Scots) of Abdel Basset Ali al-Megrahi. This fecal material not only served less than 8 years for incinerating 270 innocents aboard a Pan Am flight back in 1988--but he also received a hero's welcome upon arriving in his native Libya.

By allowing this--the West has telegraphed a disturbingly profound message to the enemy: We are a truly sissified people.

Oh, by the way--what doesn't a Scots man have under his kilt? A pair of balls!

Monday, August 24, 2009


The egregious treatment of the CIA by President Obama (and his rapid lapdog AG Eric Holder) is demonstrable evidence that he simply does not care about our troops. Remember, our warriors in the theater of battle rely heavily on the crucial Intel that is provided to them by the men and women of this fine organization.

By the administration launching a political investigation against it (concerning so-called torture techniques) will only serve to greatly diminish the amount of Intel made available to our soldiers battling the enemy in both Iraq and Afghanistan.

And the end result, without question--will be truly catastrophic: More dead GI's.

Way to go, O!

Friday, August 21, 2009


Those that are in search of the root-cause of Islamic terrorism (particularly the mainstream media) have a disturbing penchant for shunning the obvious. Whether it is Osama bin Laden, Khalid Sheik Mohammad or the 9/11 hijackers--all have explicitly stated that they were motivated to shed innocent blood by traditional Koranic text.

These individuals repeatedly quoted such traditional text (recognized by all schools of Islamic jurisprudence as valid calls to jihad and death to the infidels) as they carried out their sinister plots to slaughter thousands of unsuspecting civilians.

So, despite the mainstream media's blind search--these terrorist bastards have already told us what the root-cause of Islamic terrorism is.

It's Islam, stupid.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Google's Foreign Policy

The following blog was written by Audrey Russo. Audrey's poignant and substantive work on the Middle East can be read at she is the Managing Editor.

Google's Foreign Policy

Intelligence and education are wonderful things, but without wisdom, are worth a pile of *drek.

That's exactly the results the largest internet search engine, Google has acquired with their recent actions...opening up a domain specifically for the Palestinian Authority (PA) and Gaza Arabs. They have taken a political stand, not one based upon facts...and not a wise business choice, to boot.

There is a preponderance of evidence to prove that there is, in fact, no such people as 'palestinians'. 'Palestine has never existed as an independent entity...ever. It was controlled by Rome, by the Ottoman Empire and, temporarily, by the British following WW I. The Brits then consented to restore part of the land to the Jewish people as their homeland.

But, hey...don't believe me, here's Palestine Liberation Organization executive committee member Zahir Muhsein, in an interview printed in a Dutch newspaper (Trouw) on March 31, 1977:
"The Palestinian people does not exist. The creation of a Palestinian state is only a means for continuing our struggle against the state of Israel for our Arab unity. In reality today there is no difference between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of a Palestinian people, since Arab national interests demand that we posit the existence of a distinct "Palestinian people" to oppose Zionism."For tactical reasons, Jordan, which is a sovereign state with defined borders, cannot raise claims to Haifa and Jaffa, while as a Palestinian, I can undoubtedly demand Haifa, Jaffa, Beer-Sheva and Jerusalem. However, the moment we reclaim our right to all of Palestine, we will not wait even a minute to unite Palestine and Jordan."

Now let's remember...Arabs control 99.9% of the Middle East. Israel represents 1/10th of 1% of the region. So almost EVERYTHING is not enough for the Arabs, huh? A wee bit of a covetous crew...

The Middle East conflict is a hot property, and to tread upon this sod ignorantly is not only feckless...but egregious. Google that...

Shalom through strength...

*Drek - Human dung, feces, manure or excrement; inferior merchandise or work; insincere talk or excessive flattery.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


The Middle East conflagration is not as complex as the Euro-intellects and State Department bureaucrats build it up to be. In fact--it is fairly simple to comprehend: The Palestinians (inspired by Koranic doctrine) believe Israel does not have a right to exist, and thus--must be driven into the sea.

The manifestations of this convoluted and wretched mindset can be seen in the daily rocket attacks from Gaza, the insidiously anti-Semitic speeches delivered by high ranking Fatah members, and the Death to the Jews curriculum being taught in Palestinian schools.

Whether Oslo, or the so-called Road Map--these peace initiatives have all been glaring failures due to one reason: The Palestinians have never been interested in land for peace--but rather death to Israel.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


The incontestable evidence that Western Civilization is teetering on the brink of insanity can be found in its slavish desire to hasten a Palestinian State. With Gaza (a post facto PS) as a bloodcurdling example--why would anyone seek to reward such a horde of brain-dead,
murderous thugs with their own nation.

Democratic leaders must remember: The Palestinians not only viciously attack Israel (from Gaza) because they hate Jews--but they also do it to demonstrate their intense vitriol for democracy.

By advocating a Palestinian State--Western Civilization will not only be giving birth to a nation that will be used as a base of operations for the violent extermination of Jews--but also the total deconstruction of democracy.

Now--how insane is that?

Monday, August 17, 2009


Is there any doubt that the Obama Administration has a great antipathy for the American people? From calling us "demagogues," to "hate-mongers," to "un-American," the evidence is strikingly irrefutable. For the first time in our nation's history--we have an administration that is waging a vicious and calculated ideological war against the citizenry.

It is truly getting ugly!

Friday, August 14, 2009

The Right Rx For Healthcare

The following blog was written by Audrey Russo. Audrey's poignant and substantive work on the Middle East can be read at she is the Managing Editor.

The Right Rx For Healthcare

The hottest topic on everyone's lips lately is healthcare reform. The most discussed proposal is HR 3200 (because the Senate hasn't formulated one yet, though they're out peddling it). And it appears the more that is revealed about this atrocity of a bill...the more the citizenry is in opposition. (Probably the most pernicious tactic of the administration is to label the truthful revelation of the elements of the bill as 'myths'...but they indeed are not.)

Putting aside the fact that the majority of people are happy with their current healthcare (80% in CNN poll), the majority do desire some changes...and here are the answers to the healthcare questions that would work for a free-market society, such as ours:
Malpractice Insurance Reform (Tort reform).
Allowing the purchase of health insurance across state lines, as we allow with auto insurance, which permits competition, which in turn creates a consumer-friendly milieu and would allow people to keep the same insurance from job to job.
Allow the purchase of al a carte insurance, which can only be accomplished when the government relinquishes control over private insurance.
These are the right reforms for a free-market system and a free people, which has become burdened by an invasive government...release the federal tentacles...and all will be well (pun intended).

Many have become sick of how our elected leaders have molded an intrusive system...but if any form of this lethal bill is passed...we will truly know what sick is...if we make it that far (no myth, page 425).

Thursday, August 13, 2009


Those suffering from the most virulent strain of naivete ( the belief that ObamaCare will not limit health services) obviously missed the most telling statement yet proffered by Obama on the issue: "Maybe you're better off not having that surgery, but taking the painkiller."

This statement speaks directly (and explicitly) to those seniors seeking life-extending surgeries: Kiss your ass goodbye, granny!!!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


So, let me get this straight: According to Speaker Pelosi--if you express passionate opposition to ObamaCare you are "un-American." But (while masturbating in public during San Francisco's Gay Pride Day celebration) you shout bone-chilling obscenities at Christians--you are a champion of free-speech.

What a crock of sh#*!!!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

For Moughniyeh Alone, We Must Give Our Aid

The following blog was written by Audrey Russo. Audrey's poignant and substantive work on the Middle East can be read at she is the Managing Editor.On Feb 12, 2008, The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) did a great deed for our country and for the families of 241 Marines, who lost their lives at the hands of one of the most venal terrorist groups on our planet: Hezbollah.

For Moughniyeh Alone, We Must Give Our Aid

The IDF brought justice that day by killing the mastermind of the 1983 attack in Beirut: Imad Moughniyeh (pronounced Mug NEE uh). He plotted the craven attack to take place as our Marines, who were in Beirut as peacekeepers, were sleeping. And since that time...NO ONE in the Arab world would give him up. And our country, sadly, was not pursuing the fiend.

But Israel kept track of the vermin...and finally brought justice to the memories of our brave fallen.

Now it's time to show how much we appreciate Israel's steadfastness to us. We must stand by our friends, who are under threat of revenge by Hezbollah...for taking Moughniyeh out. Israel has stated that they will hold Hezbollah and Lebanon itself responsible for any attempt to slaughter Israelis overseas.

And we MUST support them in this accountability.

Because if we don't, we will show our friends, we are not to be trusted. And send an unequivocal message to our enemies, we are as weak as ever.

In a post 9/11 world...the failure to give our support is tantamount to suicide.

Shalom through strength...

Monday, August 10, 2009


Nancy Pelosi's rant (“I think they’re AstroTurf, you be the judge...They’re carrying swastikas and symbols like that to a town meeting on health care") against Americans who dare voice opposition to ObamaCare is nothing but a classic case of pure diversion.

Pelosi's attempt to verbally demonize the masses--who have passionately remonstrated against the proposed socialization of America's health care system--is a blatant attempt to shift the focus from the perfidy being exposed in the proposal--to those who are merely exposing it.

This tactic (propounded by Saul Alinsky) has been an effective arrow in the quiver of liberals for decades, until now. From talk radio to the blogosphere--Nanacy Pelosi's sinister attempt at diversion has been thoroughly exposed.

Americans deserve better than this scheming, lying--vicious old hag.

Friday, August 7, 2009


I ask you, with 43 US casualties last month in Afghanistan--where were all the acrimonious, raucous and glaringly violent anti-war demonstrations? Recall during the bloodiest months of the Iraq War, the anti-war zealots were out en masse calling then President Bush a war criminal, burning him in effigy, blocking rail and trucking routes used to move military supplies, looting and torching public property.

Oh, that's right: War is only a criminal endeavor when there's a Republican in the White House.

How stupid of me to forget!

Thursday, August 6, 2009


The following blog was written by Audrey Russo. Audrey's poignant and substantive work on the Middle East can be read at she is the Managing Editor.

One Terror Base Is Enough

This week, on the 4-year anniversary of Israel's withdrawal from Gaza, Israeli PM Netanyahu observed, "Israel uprooted 10,000 of its citizens from their homes and Gaza has turned into a terror base under the control of Hamas, and sponsored by Iran."

Indeed...the Israeli government ripped Israeli citizens from their homes and lives in Gaza, and handed it, by our their enemies. Who quickly turned a thriving and productive community into a terror base from which they have, from that day, launched rockets into Jewish civilian areas. All as a 'gift' from the former Persian empire...with 'love'...a bloodthirsty love for dead Jews.

Netanyahu continued, "Israel expects the 'Palestinians' to recognize Israel as a Jewish state, it expects that the refugee issue be resolved outside of Israel and the implementation of effective security solutions with international guarantees - all these are conditions for the advancement of a sustainable and stable peace agreement."

The PA has already made itself clear on what it will NOT do: Everything that Israel has stated above. And without the first (recognition of the Jewish State), you can forget about the rest...they are moot.

Gaza is clearly a microcosm of a 'palestinian' state. It (PA) has taken, US and world community monies, under the pretense of aiding the poor, establishing housing and commerce for their people of Gaza. None of which materialized. But what DID occur was a weapons depot, 'Palestinian' women and children used as human shields, and much destruction and brutality, inflicted by Hamas et al, upon innocent Jews in nearby Israeli cities (i.e. Ashkelon).

And now the US is insisting upon another 'Gaza' (Judea-Samaria)? Isn't one terror base enough?

Each innocent Jewish life that has been destroyed because of our 'meddling' is on our heads. How much culpability do we want for the murder of more Jews?

And do we really want to fool with the G-d of Israel? He has promised in Genesis 12:3 to bless those that bless Israel and curse those that curse Israel. With the shape that Obama has been molding out republic in, can we really afford a pox? I think not...

One terror base is indeed enough...and if we push our allies to surrender yet more of their land, Mr. Obama, you can be sure of the words of Ed Norton from the Honeymooners, "a pox on you and your ancestors."

Shalom through strength...

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


For those who have poo-pooed the notion that Barack Obama wants to be a dictator, consider ObamaCare. It is a Euro-style health care system that will not only micromanage every aspect of the doctor/patient relationship---but it will also co-opt over 20% of our GDP.

This is a huge step towards controlling the middle class, which makes up 75% of the nation. And, as Saul Alinsky fervently preached: Control the proletariat--and you control the country.

Make no mistake: ObamaCare is part of a well crafted machination designed to morph America into a dictatorship run by a left-wing, Ivy League narcissist who believes he knows best.

Well, poo-pooh no more!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


It has become disgustingly apparent that President Obama has a strong affinity for those who just love to bash America.

Obama will be presenting the Medal of Freedom (our nation's highest civilian award) to former Irish President Mary Robinson. Robinson, on more than one occasion (particularly following 9/11) has excoriated America foreign policy, as well as calling Israel a Nazi State that brutally, painfully and methodically subjugates Palestinians.

Well, I guess we can just add Robinson to the growing list (which includes Chavez, Castro, Ortega, Assad and Ahmadinejad) of tyrants and thugs Obama has reached out to that just love to whack America.

Monday, August 3, 2009


The most demonstrable evidence (to date) that President Obama has a deep seated antipathy for his own country involves the release of classified information about the so-called torture methods used on detainees.

This politically expedient tactic was designed to make Obama appear magnanimous to the Muslim World, while depicting former President Bush (and the American people) as a raucous horde of bloodthirsty Neanderthals.

Furthermore, by releasing such stealth information--Obama has handed the enemy a literal treasure trove of goodies that can help it prepare to resist any and all interrogation methods.

OIB is profoundly disturbed by this. How about you?

Saturday, August 1, 2009


It is detestable that an individual (who is a devout member of a racist organization) will soon be a member of the Supreme Court. Sonia Sotomayor's membership in La Raza (a dogmatically radical group that espouses the superiority of the brown race) seems to be of no consequence.


Because America is currently in the throes of Whip Whitey Syndrome, and the manifestations are clearly insidious. It allows minorities like Sotomayor to cast endless aspersions ("wise Latina") that disparage and belittle white males. But, mind you-- if a white male dare respond: He is called a white-hooded devil!

It is time to checkout of this Jesse Jackson nightmare (put a halt to the preferential treatment of so-called victim classes) and stop allowing the race-mongers, race-baiters and liberal elites from demonizing white males in order to win taxpayer subsidies and votes.

Friday, July 31, 2009

No-Brainer: Syrian-Israel Talks = Al Qaeda-US Talks

The following blog was written by Audrey Russo. Audrey's poignant and substantive work on the Middle East can be read at she is the Managing Editor.

No-Brainer: Syrian-Israel Talks = Al Qaeda-US Talks

As the slow-learner, O, begins pulling back all his stringent rhetoric toward the Jewish State, he is fecklessly sending his minions to prove to the world...he still doesn't get it...

Special Middle East envoy, George Mitchell, stopped off in Damascus prior to joining O's emissaries in Israel this week. Why, you ask? Well, he was exploring the possible resumption of Syrian-Israel talks.

Imagine that...talks with Syria, a country that has been on the U.S. State Department's list of terror-sponsoring countries since 1979. Now whatever O is sucking into his anterior orifice is apparently causing a wee bit of a psychotic break...

Just a few facts about Syria...they harbor, give financial aid, political support, artillery and military training to terrorist organizations, including Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, Hezbollah and other extremist groups whose objective is to annihilate Israel and terrorize innocent Israeli citizens.

And, may I stress further that, Hezbollah is the group that was responsible for, among several attacks on US citizens: Killing 241 Marines, as they slept, in 1983. They were in Beirut as peace keepers.

So, what has possessed this administration? Are they so cold-hearted that they would even consider any talks whatsoever, with a country that loathes us, and our friends, so fiercely? (Oh how I wish Patton were still alive because someone ought to slap O's face for dishonoring our fallen heroes by desiring talks with these murderous goons.)

Should we talk with Al Qaeda? (OK, O would say, of course...but it's a rhetorical question.) Talking with, or worse, asking Israel to talk with these sand rodents makes about as much sense.

It really IS a no-brainer...

Shalom through strength...

Thursday, July 30, 2009


I'm curious (considering the racially sensitive milieu we live in): If I invited an African American friend to join me for a bucket of KFC (original recipe, of course)--would I be a accused of Racial Profiling?

If I added watermelon to the mix, would Al Sharpton demand my head on a silver platter?

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


The highly touted Blue Dog Democrats are (apparently) a load of disingenuous dung. According to Human Events, these so-called conservative Dems have voted with liberal zealot Steny Hoyer nearly 80% of the time.

Conservative? Hardly.

Truth be told: If this gaggle desires to salvage even a modicum of honor--it must vote no on ObamaCare. If not--history will remember this period as the day of the Blue Dog Bastards.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

They'll Blame Us Anyway, So Let's Say Mazel Tov

The following blog was written by Audrey Russo. Audrey's poignant and substantive work on the Middle East can be read at she is the Managing Editor.

They'll Blame Us Anyway, So Let's Say Mazel Tov

Obama, and his crew, didn't "meddle" with Iran during the protests that followed the sham election because they had trepidation that Iran would blame the US for the protests. O said nothing to support those who longed for freedom and...the Mullahs blamed us anyway...

The bottom line is...the Muslim world will always blame us no matter, O, 86 the concerns and do what is RIGHT, for a 'change'...

Why? Here are a few reasons...

Israel is our one and only friend in the Middle East.

Over 200,000 Americans live in Israel.

We have obtained crucial Intel from Israel in fighting Islamic terrorism.

Israel is the ONLY fully functioning democracy in the region.

The Islamic world sees Israel as the 'Little Satan' and the US as the 'Great Satan'. They believe we are in control and dictate or concur with Israel's movements. They will blame us's stop this moronic game and give Israel our blessing...

If Israel deems it necessary to take out Iran's nuclear facilities, then so be it. Because be sure of this...they START with the 'Little' one...and end with the 'Great' one.

The feeblest of minds can follow the I know O is so proud of his GPA at Harvard, that he's barred his academic records from being released...but I believe even a 'genius' like O can follow this one...

It's time to say "Mazel Tov" to our faithful friends...and put an end to the blather of this keffiyeh-clad nuclear gadfly.

Shalom through strength...and Mazel Tov, Israel...Libi holech imcha (my heart is with you)!

Monday, July 27, 2009


House Majority Leader, Steny Hoyer, recently stated the following “If every member pledged to not vote for it [ObamaCare] if they hadn’t read it in its entirety, I think we would have very few votes.”

And politicians are actually affronted when the American people squawk that Washington is nothing more than a huge crapper loaded with the most venal, mentally vacant and ignominious turds in the country?

Puhleeez !!! Only a sh**head would cast a vote for a bill he hasn't fully read.

Time to flush the crapper.